At the meeting center I think it would be awesome if we could find a quiet room (controlled environment) to set up a video/mic booth in and do a compilation of short typing videos on all the different keyboards that show up. I think we would need one skilled volunteer doing their best to type from a ready made script at a consistent force/speed.
I may or may not be able to bring my work sound equipment with me. I will let you know as the date gets closer. I think the chance is likely.
My setup:
2x AT4031
1x PMD661 MkII
Recording stereo; 96,000Hz; 24-bit; WAV
SampleThe video would have the keyboard specs and GH username in the annotations and description :]
Also if are attending and you would like to volunteer camera or mic equipment, post here and we can see what combination would work best.
Post here showing what your interest is for a video like this.