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Topre keychain prototype review - insight
First off, thanks Kmiller8 for heading up this project. I got my key chain in the mail a few days ago and have spent some time smacking it around. Firstly I want to just state for the record, I am a Topre virgin. I've never typed on one (aside from this key chain) and only know what I've read and seen in videos. The key chain is pretty solid and the actuation feels good, feels smooth and soft with a little tactile bump. It's very quiet and I don't hear that 'thock' everyone talks about, but the spring is responsive and the switch doesn't stick. There is some wobble on the key chain base after a few days of consistent pressing as the switch is only pinned on two corners, but with four pins I think this issue would be easily resolved. The key chain would really benefit from a wider base to keep it stable, and the rubber overhangs from under the switch on the corners but that could be easily trimmed. Different colored base plastic would be a cool and easy thing to implement as well. Community input welcome.
I think the clear base was the best, allowing you to see the spring and such. I'm glad it's solid as a keychain. That's the most important part.
--- Quote from: esoomenona on Tue, 05 March 2013, 09:18:14 ---I think the clear base was the best, allowing you to see the spring and such. I'm glad it's solid as a keychain. That's the most important part.
--- End quote ---
,___, Like I said, the final products will be clear base, these prototypes were white because I bought the wrong acrylic that when we tried to 'cut' it, it decided instead to 'light-on-fire-and-burn-****' so we had to use these scrap white pieces to get just some basic shapes cut.
Cool, I'll do a mini review when I get mine.
EDIT: Mine has arrived! Give me some time, I'm a bit busy atm.
Hokay, no pictures but uhm... I've kept this thing on my phone as a charm for like the past week or so. It's been holding up well, one issue I have with it is that when you have the keychain hooked onto the base, it can't sit flat because of the bump. It's also somewhat difficult to unhook the keychain (I swap out my phone charms quite often). Feeling wise, it's as accurate as you can get to the Topre feel (from what I know)... it's got that pleasant Thock. It's a little scratchy though, but nothing a little lube can't fix. Thank you kmiller8!
Also, I got the "Home" key.
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