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Pixel fone.

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Just got a pixel fone, man guys, these things are kinda invasive. It's digging into your mind and trying to connect you to the matrix.

Was having trouble with the unlock (fingerprint), and after a bit, it sends you an alert, having trouble with the fingerprint scanner, try adding your face for face unlock.

This thing is measuring and monitoring everything.


--- Quote from: Rhienfo on Sun, 19 May 2024, 10:18:59 ---I didn't have to put my fingerprint or face id on my pixel, Just a passcode. I generally don't put those things on them, but that's superstition on my part, since both fingerprint and face id are both stored locally on the device from what I know, so they can't access that data remotely.

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Putting my comment from what's bothering you here as well.


--- Quote from: Rhienfo on Sun, 19 May 2024, 10:21:09 ---
--- Quote from: Rhienfo on Sun, 19 May 2024, 10:18:59 ---I didn't have to put my fingerprint or face id on my pixel, Just a passcode. I generally don't put those things on them, but that's superstition on my part, since both fingerprint and face id are both stored locally on the device from what I know, so they can't access that data remotely.

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Putting my comment from what's bothering you here as well.

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It's not that I'm worried about adding the biometrics, it's that I'm actively being monitored to such extent.


--- Quote from: tp4tissue on Sun, 19 May 2024, 10:22:42 ---It's not that I'm worried about adding the biometrics, it's that I'm actively being monitored to such extent. [/size][/color]

--- End quote ---

ah true didn't see that. I don't think I got any notifications that seemed like they were monitoring what I did, Just the standard stuff like notifying for security updates and like telling you to backup photos. Maybe it's because I didn't put the biometrics in. Wouldn't be surprised if google was monitoring people like that, they love that data.

Then they flash these random privacy policies at you a few hours into usage, after the initial setup.

My guess is they hope you gloss over it, and never turned them off, just thinking they were part of some app.


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