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What are you watching? The thread about what you're watching.

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Meg 2, as bad, if not slightly worse than Meg 1.

Started watching, Domina, the 1 of a kind, women's perspective rome show.

This is the first time, where the Show's moving sooooo fast Tp4 has no idea what's happening. Are we just supposed to know all these names? Is this show for people who's already very familier with the backstory?

Ha(kers finally out in big resolution.

Just noticed the scenes depict them typing really slowly as the text comes up on their monitors about 4 characters / second, are we to believe these guys only type 48wpm ? The shots of their hands also indicate they're not touch typing.

48wpm wouldn't even meet qualifications for a secretary/receptionist back in the day when they had such requirements.


--- Quote from: tp4tissue on Sun, 27 August 2023, 09:05:43 ---Ha(kers finally out in big resolution.

Just noticed the scenes depict them typing really slowly as the text comes up on their monitors about 4 characters / second, are we to believe these guys only type 48wpm ? The shots of their hands also indicate they're not touch typing.

48wpm wouldn't even meet qualifications for a secretary/receptionist back in the day when they had such requirements.

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Oh you just brought back childhood memories, I had this film recorded on network tv and used to watch it all the time. Nowadays it's really corny but my childhood heart thought that this was the coolest thing, did a writing project in year 4 that was based on this stuff cause I loved it a lot.

Need to rewatch this

I remember watching Hackers in school, and the teacher didn't know there were boobs in the movie. When Angie peeled her shirt off the whole class went crazy. Or at least the boys did.


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