geekhack Marketplace > Interest Checks
[IC] KKB Henchmen | Vendors Confirmed, Prices Set, Hibi Announced!
--- Quote from: XiXora on Sun, 19 May 2024, 06:26:18 ---Could the 1U novelty designs to enable XT kitting that would fit the row profiles R1–R4 be a consideration?
--- End quote ---
Unfortunately the cost to do so would be quite considerable. I was playing around with options but couldn't come to anything that wasn't cost prohibitive/worked well in terms of layout.
Colour sample photos have been added to the main post, this is a good representation on my screens but please keep in mind it may vary.
Vendors have been confirmed, we're finalising a GB date currently.
Banana!! Looks great!
Updated the OP with pricing, a Hibi collab and a tentative date!
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