Author Topic: Has anyone torn their TFCC?  (Read 11062 times)

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Offline stingrae

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Has anyone torn their TFCC?
« on: Sun, 24 February 2013, 23:44:20 »
So about 6-7 months ago I injured my wrist and resisted seeing a doctor as I thought it was just a sprain/bruise...It happened in martial arts practice (wrist lock), I rested it for about 4 weeks lo and behold the very first day back to training my wrist gets injured by another wrist lock.

Now I don't know if this caused it to be bad or if subsequent injury affected it all I know is after 2 months I was still in mild pain. Anyway I first went to see an occupational therapist/physio who said to use a wrist split, this was a bad move within 3 days the splint had caused typing to become rather painful (and I wasn't typing much) so maybe my bad on that one.

Finally I got to be able to see a specialist who diagnosed it as a Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex tear (TFCC). This was relieving because I was beginning to think I was making up the pain. I mean, I have full movement but can't lift anything that's more than 2 kgs. Suffice to say his ulnar deviation movement was the one position that hurt. The problem is of course is that I am not in England (permanent resident, well until November this year but well NHS waiting lists zzZzzZzz) and I don't have medical aid so the surgery here would come close to £2500-3000 ~. This is quite a lot and not something I want to spend the scholarship I should get on (£5000~) which I was going to use for living expenses.

So the questions:
1. Anyone find typing difficult or is that part of my stupid wrist splint injury?
2. Should I keep living with it and finish my postgrad degree?
3. Should I get it fixed and stop/suspend my postgrad degree?

There has to be some funthat kinesis has this: and that I bought a filco instead but I tend not to bring my hands in like that video :rolleyes:

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Offline JoeC

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Re: Has anyone torn their TFCC?
« Reply #1 on: Mon, 25 February 2013, 02:30:40 »
I have no major wrist injuries, but I have broken a wrist by compaction fracture, while snowboarding.  I was 16 and cracked a growth plate.  Playing guitar was not doable for me after that.  Well not for long times, or serious playing.  I could have had surgery and corrected my wrist, which was not bothering me, other than I stopped trying to learn guitar.  But, I did not have the operation, and do not have any major problems.  I lift furniture and random heavy objects at work without discomfort.

I guess, are you in such discomfort that it is going to affect your daily life?  Is it a condition that may degrade over time? 
The choice is yours, ultimately, and only you can decide what is best for you.
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Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Has anyone torn their TFCC?
« Reply #2 on: Mon, 25 February 2013, 06:02:44 »
FIX IT * 99999999

This is very close to living without 1 arm.. and honestly... NO MATTER HOW careful you are, you can-not- "NOT" use your wrist from day to day...

Look at it this way...

Lets say you make a billion dollars after your post-grad.. but your wrist hurts, so you still can't really enjoy the ferrari which you can "finally" afford..

What was the post grad good for, then???

Offline terran5992

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Re: Has anyone torn their TFCC?
« Reply #3 on: Mon, 25 February 2013, 07:39:35 »
Never happened to me b4 :D

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Offline codymaust

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Re: Has anyone torn their TFCC?
« Reply #4 on: Mon, 25 February 2013, 09:00:17 »
My girlfriend tore it a few months back. She went ahead with the surgery and is now going through physical therapy..

Up until a few days ago she has been completely unable to use that hand/arm at all, so I can only assume how difficult typing must be.

Basing it off of her case, I think the surgery and initial hindrance of a cast/PT will be MUCH better than losing, or severely effecting, functionality of that hand

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Has anyone torn their TFCC?
« Reply #5 on: Mon, 25 February 2013, 09:17:38 »
Yup, these days if you lose a "hand", it's pretty much sh*t for the rest of your life...

Offline stingrae

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Re: Has anyone torn their TFCC?
« Reply #6 on: Tue, 26 February 2013, 01:15:42 »
Thanks for the input :) got some pretty tough decisions to make heh.
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Offline precarious

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Re: Has anyone torn their TFCC?
« Reply #7 on: Tue, 26 February 2013, 02:41:58 »
I know it's always terrible when you find you have to spend everything you have to fix something that's wrong with your body, but in the long run, you'll thank yourself for it.

I should probably take my own advice.

Offline stingrae

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Re: Has anyone torn their TFCC?
« Reply #8 on: Thu, 28 February 2013, 09:46:30 »
I went to an orthotist and he gave me a much better wrist brace. Lesson learned: get diagnosis and then go to the orthotist. It pretty much has relieved me of any pain I even drove without much discomfort. Literally night and day from the wrist braces/splints you get at drug stores...and not that much more expensive.

It also looks bad ass...

Unless I get more problems I'm just going to finish my masters and try to move to the UK before my indefinite leave expires...

Filco Ninja Tenkeyless  -Noppoo Choc MiniCm Storm Quickfire Rapid