geekhack Community > Keyboards

Non-click mechanical

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Whiskey in the Jar-o:
At least these guys don't waste your time and tell it like it is:

So what do you guys think of this beast?  High tactile feel but no clicky?  Tell you what it sounds like my dream board!

Oh wow...I know it isn't small footprint like you mooks like to see...but that is one attractive keyboard.  I don't know if I would use the Jay Leno chin base on it.

So what's with my avatar, iMav?  Are you that bored with nothing to do?  MAN, you need to get back to work!

Whiskey in the Jar-o:

--- Quote from: ashort ---So what do you guys think of this beast?  High tactile feel but no clicky?  Tell you what it sounds like my dream board!

Oh wow...I know it isn't small footprint like you mooks like to see...but that is one attractive keyboard.  I don't know if I would use the Jay Leno chin base on it.
--- End quote ---

If you want MX linear switches, then you have a lot of options.

Cherry black?

I have a cherry black keyboard, the SMK-88.  Call it "non-clicky" and my response is "just barely".


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