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Will Keycap Display Case back in stock?

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--- Quote from: KeyPop on Fri, 08 May 2015, 11:39:45 ---We'll be restocking them once we finish up the coffee set group buy which will be launched this month.

--- End quote ---

Great thanks a lot for your reply!
I can ship some of my caps sets in them in confidence I can get more later. :)

Sorry for the Necro but the seven of these I have are filled up and I need more... :(


--- Quote from: geniekid on Mon, 22 February 2016, 22:15:49 ---Sorry for the Necro but the seven of these I have are filled up and I need more... :(

--- End quote ---

Honestly we're having trouble importing these because of the sheer bulk and weight of the cases..
But not to give up, we're determined to bring some in stock.

Truly sorry to everyone waiting on these!

I will probably be in for a few sets when you have some in stock.

Thank you

Bad news.
We will no longer be restocking this item. It's too expensive to produce but there will be a newer design without the padding coming out.
Truly sorry to everyone who has been anticipating a restock.


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