geekhack Marketplace > Group Buys and Preorders

[GB] GMK Oblivion V3.1 - COMPLETED - V3.2 tentatively in September 2023

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Tom Sparrow:
No Hagoromo Cadet kit :( my dreams are shattered

I am in for the deskmat with the branches tho!

Oblivion had been one of my many missed sets because of getting late in the hobby. I love what you've done with the gb by splitting it in two, that's a big brain move right there! Glwgb!

Sent from my SM-G988U using Tapatalk


--- Quote from: Bunn3y on Mon, 07 June 2021, 09:55:25 ---Any chances of the Oblivion Cadet alphas kit making a comeback at all?

--- End quote ---

I have opted to run ASCII alphas as an addon kit this time, we're already at 11 kits which is plenty. Sorry!

I really miss the Rama Git key. Hoping there is an equivalently interesting key

Please consider adding a 1.75u R2 key to the 40bit kit for the many 40% boards by different designers that use this key. eg. MB44, Oceanographer, Whiskey, Dango40, Bolt, Smoothie Split, etc.


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