geekhack Projects > Making Stuff Together!

FilterKeys Setter... for a faster key repeat (in Windows)

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This is just a quick and dirty utility for making FilterKeys settings, which allows values that are not possible to set using the standard Windows UI.

It's main use would be, as the title says, to set faster repeat than is normally possible. The easiest way to use it for that purpose is to click 'Keyboard', which sets all the values to the same as you've got set in the normal Keyboard settings dialog in Control Panel, and then change repeat delay and rate to your liking.

If you want to make settings permanent, check the box 'Save to registry'.

No rebooting, or logging off and then on again, is required.

Source code is provided, in C++ for VS2003, which should be easy to convert to a later version of VS.

Essentially it's just a wrapper for calling the SystemParametersInfo function with SPI_SETFILTERKEYS and passing it a FILTERKEYS structure.

Related: How can I increase the key repeat rate beyond the OS's limit?, where there's some discussion and also source code for a command line utility that sets repeat rate and delay using FilterKeys.

- added an 'Apply' button.

- added a Test area.
- added 'Original' button, which loads settings active when the utility was launched, as a half-assed 'Undo' feature.
- replaced MFC icon with an equally crappy one!
- added some parameter validation.
- fixed bug where dialog closed when clicking OK even when setting failed.

Added an 'Apply' button :)

I'm alittle confused, what do all these settings apply to, only Filter keys?
Or is it possible to set any rate to my liking without going trought filter keys? :D..

Sorry for poor English hope you understand!


Is this like creating Turbo buttons for a keyboard!? :D


--- Quote from: fr4nk1sh on Mon, 01 April 2013, 08:43:43 ---I'm alittle confused, what do all these settings apply to, only Filter keys?

--- End quote ---

Yes, only FilterKeys. The utility has all of the possible FilterKeys options, even though we would typically only use a few of them, just for completeness.

--- Quote from: fr4nk1sh on Mon, 01 April 2013, 08:43:43 ---Or is it possible to set any rate to my liking without going trought filter keys? :D..

--- End quote ---

Why not FilterKeys? It seems to work pretty well, and with this utility different settings can be made easily without having to log off each time.


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