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Anyone use BBEdit?
--- Quote from: Whiskey in the Jar-o ---BTW, Paul Graham is a famous lisp hacker. He uses vi.
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touche! :)
Admittedly, I have little experience with Emacs. But all of my more prolific programming friends swear by it.
Whiskey in the Jar-o:
--- Quote from: iMav ---
--- Quote from: Whiskey in the Jar-o ---BTW, Paul Graham is a famous lisp hacker. He uses vi.
--- End quote ---
touche! :)
Admittedly, I have little experience with Emacs. But all of my more prolific programming friends swear by it.
--- End quote ---
I think it's a matter of preference. At the start of the year I decided to learn a proper editor once and for all, and the following reasons swayed me:
1) vi is everywhere.
2) no need to heavily customize vi.
3) I prefer modes to chording. vi commands are very brief thanks to modes.
4) absolutely the ugliest fonts in emacs. No anti-aliased, true-type fonts available. I believe this has changed recently in Xemacs, but it's too late for me now. Bitstream Vera Sans Mono is the ultimate programming font for Linux.
You definitely don't have to sell me on vi. It's been my preferred text editor for over a decade. (long time UNIX admin)
I actually found myself on a UNIX system one time that did NOT have vi. The only editor available to be was ed. That too is a mode-based editor...but I advise against using it. (although if you are a UNIX admin, it is good to know the basic functionality so that you can use it in a pinch)
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