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Keyboard Builders' Digest

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Here is Issue #108 of Keyboard Builders' Digest, my weekly roundup of awesome DIY keyboard projects, tips & tricks.

This time with some more articles of the KBD.NEWS Advent Calendar!

Here is Issue #109 of Keyboard Builders' Digest, my weekly roundup of awesome DIY keyboard projects, tips & tricks.

Here is Issue #110 of Keyboard Builders' Digest, my weekly roundup of awesome DIY keyboard projects, tips & tricks.

Here is Issue #112 of Keyboard Builders' Digest, my weekly roundup of awesome DIY keyboard projects, tips & tricks.

Here is Issue #114 of Keyboard Builders' Digest, my weekly roundup of awesome DIY keyboard projects, tips & tricks.

The newsletter will be temporarily suspended because it would cost me $50 a month from March. See today's editorial for more info.


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