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Kobo KBParadise V80 compatibility?
Can you confirm whether or not the KBParadise V80MTS boards will be an exact fit for the Filco Kobo frames?
If the answer is yes is there a way to run a fixed non-detachable cable on the inside? Since the Filco's come as hardwired I assume there is some sort of strain relief?
--- Quote from: dante on Sat, 10 December 2016, 19:31:19 ---Can you confirm whether or not the KBParadise V80MTS boards will be an exact fit for the Filco Kobo frames?
If the answer is yes is there a way to run a fixed non-detachable cable on the inside? Since the Filco's come as hardwired I assume there is some sort of strain relief?
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Certainly worth looking into...we will check this and update soon.
--- Quote from: dante on Sat, 10 December 2016, 19:31:19 ---Can you confirm whether or not the KBParadise V80MTS boards will be an exact fit for the Filco Kobo frames?
If the answer is yes is there a way to run a fixed non-detachable cable on the inside? Since the Filco's come as hardwired I assume there is some sort of strain relief?
--- End quote ---
Not an exact fit, but they can work somewhat. I don't like the fit to be honest, as the screw holes don't match up.
Thanks for looking into this and being transparent about the fit! It's too bad KBP didn't try to mirror the market as it might help increase their appeal.
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