geekhack Marketplace > Signature Plastics / PimpMyKeyboard

Blanks Inventory?

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i don't need it right now this moment, i ordered i think just 3 weeks ago to get blanks to match hyperfuse for a odd phantom layout. But i doubt that will be my last order ever, its extremely useful for odd layouts and keyboards like the ergodox, its a question more for the "future" of their new system.

We are still working on moving all the stuff from our website to the pimpmykeyboard keystore - right now we have only migrated the spacebars (though they are still available from keycapsdirect). If you want to order something from both sites, just shoot me an email and I will send you a paypal invoice - Be sure to include all the details of what you want to buy. This is just temporary, so patience please!

thanks that is exactly the info i needed,

I don't think so, I don't think the inventory will affect
 papa's games


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