geekhack Community > Keyboards
FingerWorks TouchStream keyboards on eBay
For the last few months I've been following the market for FingerWorks TouchStream keyboards on eBay. This was a keyboard that, at the time FingerWorks ceased operations in 2005, was selling new for $350.
Since I've been tracking this, I don't believe a TouchStream has ever sold for less than something on the order of $650. About three weeks ago, one sold for $669 and another sold for $689, both from the same seller. I'm not sure I would have entrusted that kind of dough to this seller, because her descriptions were blatantly lifted verbatim from other TouchStream listings on eBay.
Last weekend, a TouchStream LP sold for $1,075.
This past week, three TouchStream LPs were listed, all with bidding ending this weekend. The first of them sold for $1,226.04 last night. The second one ended this morning with a high bid of over $1,800!! But for some reason this one was delisted or canceled soon after the end of bidding, so I don't know what happened there. The third one sold for $1,525.
Entering into the weekend, all three listings had the same high bidder. If I remember correctly, his high bids were a little over $500 for two of the listings, and something like $330 for the third one. But this was before the bidding got serious. I'm pretty sure he was the one who won the third listing, the one with a winning bid of $1,525.
So if you think paying over $260 for a Happy Hacking Professional 2 is insane, you ain't seen nothing.
Me, I'm just wondering if we'll ever see an IBM M15 for sale ever again on eBay. That would be my personal Holy Grail of keyboards.
I suggest calling or emailing he folks at clickykeyboards. Their website isn't always 100% accurate as to what they have in stock. It wouldn't hurt to ask if they have any M15's available.
What's the M15? is that the black one with the pointing stick?
--- Quote from: xsphat ---What's the M15? is that the black one with the pointing stick?
--- End quote ---
IBM's split ergonomic keyboard.
--- Quote from: iMav ---IBM's split ergonomic keyboard.
--- End quote ---
With buckling springs!
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