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LightSaver by Duck

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I wonder. Didn't get them :( Probably screws and rubber feet.


--- Quote from: Grendel on Sun, 13 April 2014, 02:16:44 ---I wonder. Didn't get them :( Probably screws and rubber feet.

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I didn't either, but it's ok(for me). Screws are 5mm M2, I will mail you some if you like. I don't like feet so I went without them.

Kildras, You will need to add your own LEDs and switches. I will assemble yours if you like.


--- Quote from: dorkvader on Sun, 13 April 2014, 21:40:43 ---
--- Quote from: Grendel on Sun, 13 April 2014, 02:16:44 ---I wonder. Didn't get them :( Probably screws and rubber feet.

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I didn't either, but it's ok(for me). Screws are 5mm M2, I will mail you some if you like. I don't like feet so I went without them.

Kildras, You will need to add your own LEDs and switches. I will assemble yours if you like.

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oh that would be really nice.
but I think it will be very troublesome for you as I don't have anything (except some clear caps I have for my ducky shine 2) other than a design in mind and I am not sure do I have the time to do all the LED, switches purchasing.

I even don't live in the US so it probably will be very troublesome for you :(

I think maybe I will have to go for a Gon keyboard since it will come with assembly (with a big fee)

I am really interested in this keyboard.  Does anyone use it professionally for Excel and/or programming?  I use the arrow keys a lot as an Excel geek, moving around cells and such, will I have to put numlock on and use 8/4/6/2?  That seems a little clunky since I would have to toggle numlock on/off often since I use both arrows and keypad a lot.  I also use Delete, Home, End, PgUp, PgDn, P/B, and Print Scrn a lot... I take it since this is a programmable kb I will be able to lay those out per my needs?  Probably in the cluster above the numpad, and two above backspace.  Other than that it looks amazing...but maybe I just need to stick to traditional layout with discrete arrow keys since I use them often?  Ideas/advice appreciate, as this is really a beautiful kb i would love to use professionally.  If anything maybe I will get one for home use if not practical professionally.


--- Quote from: karazi on Fri, 18 April 2014, 12:24:39 ---I am really interested in this keyboard.  Does anyone use it professionally for Excel and/or programming?  I use the arrow keys a lot as an Excel geek, moving around cells and such, will I have to put numlock on and use 8/4/6/2?  That seems a little clunky since I would have to toggle numlock on/off often since I use both arrows and keypad a lot.  I also use Delete, Home, End, PgUp, PgDn, P/B, and Print Scrn a lot... I take it since this is a programmable kb I will be able to lay those out per my needs?  Probably in the cluster above the numpad, and two above backspace.  Other than that it looks amazing...but maybe I just need to stick to traditional layout with discrete arrow keys since I use them often?  Ideas/advice appreciate, as this is really a beautiful kb i would love to use professionally.  If anything maybe I will get one for home use if not practical professionally.

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Just use this layout:

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