geekhack Marketplace > CM Storm

Any news on the two new CM's mech keyboard models, the Masterkeys ProS and ProL


Hey, I was wondering if there's any news about these two new RGB mechs that have been announced at this year's CES (2016).
Any ETA? :)


Yeah, same here.

I'm kinda disappointed that they didn't go with another Topre board, but I understand that they wanted to get on the RGB bandwagon. But then again, there's the Royal Klugde, and that one RGB board Topre showed at Computex 2015.

I think these look pretty good a nice RGB with at least a browns option, it's not amazing but it's better then the corsair offering at the moment.

Masterkeys Pro L is coming out at the start of April whilst the S is coming later on this month


--- Quote from: askor on Thu, 31 March 2016, 09:38:42 ---Masterkeys Pro L is coming out at the start of April whilst the S is coming later on this month

--- End quote ---

The Pro L is already in the store and has been for a few days, at least.


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