geekhack Marketplace > Vendor Feedback

Varmilo Feedback Thread

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Wow. From final payment to first attempt of delivery 4 days.
Paid Sunday and would have got it yesterday if I was at home.
That is fantastic.

I love the board and I will order a 2nd one someday.

Miya: 5/5
Varmilo: 5/5

Best regards

Have been enjoying my unit with MX clear so far. Hoping for Varmilo to add Zealios switches as an option in the future

Varmilo MNF:
Hello, friends! This is Cynthia, new contact from Varmilo, sorry to inform you Miya had left our company. Could anybody tell me how can I be the starter of Varmilo forum instead of Miya, I sent message to Geekheck team, but few days past, no one replies me. Any one can help me? :) :)

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--- Quote from: Varmilo MNF on Wed, 24 August 2016, 21:57:08 ---Hello, friends! This is Cynthia, new contact from Varmilo, sorry to inform you Miya had left our company. Could anybody tell me how can I be the starter of Varmilo forum instead of Miya, I sent message to Geekheck team, but few days past, no one replies me. Any one can help me? :) :)

--- End quote ---

Hi Cythina, PMd you.


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