Author Topic: Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!  (Read 1021248 times)

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Offline 7bit_vote

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Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« on: Wed, 22 December 2010, 16:33:01 »
[edit]  [img]

Shipping will start from Monday, 6th June 2011

Warning: If you order more stuff, your shipping will be delayed, or might have to be shipped separately, because your package is already under its way!

Double shot replacements for Cherry MX (Filco, Ducky, Cherry).

Color scheme exactly as in Round 1.
Labels centered and in all-caps.

Pictures of the key caps are in the Picture Reference Wiki.

There are still
some leftovers!!!

But these will be
sold out soon!

Order NOW!!!

Some kits have their own thread, please take a look:
* Attack now Doubleshot Key by Squintsmeex
* \KL DoubleShot keys by \KL
* Clear Key Group Buy by Ripster
* FIVEDOWN keys by Soarer
* Cherry vintage beige/white 101 us ansi Kit by Moogle
* Starcraft Doubleshots? by Fwiffo
* Do you guys want free keycaps with lotus flower icon? by Kacee
* Geekhack backspace key by Twitchy
* Mac Command Key by longzilla
* Union Jack keys by British
* Doubleshot Linux Super Key by wuzle
* 日章旗 or 日の丸 by 7bit
* Shamrock March Cherry Keycap BUY by zaerst

Prices are excluding shipping. You don't need to order a Standard kit along with those many other kits. Each kit will sell separately.

Please read HOW TO VOTE.

Please send orders to 7bit_vote.
Please send requests to 7bit.

For current results look here: RESULTS

If you want to receive an e-mail with the latest poll-results from time to time, including your own vote, add a line:
EMAIL email-address

(For actual contents, see detailed list below)
For different Space Bars and L or J-shape Return keys,
see lists below ...

Status...... Order-ID..............Qty Price.#Keys Description
2 left ..... FR.....................10 $15......29 French Language kit
in stock ... ES......................8 $14......23 Spanish Language kit
3 left ..... DVORAK..................9 $12......22 Language kit
in stock ... COLEMAKBACKSPACE.......21 $3........2 Backspace for Caps pos
in stock ... VERTBSLASH..............6 $0.4......1 Vertical Backslash for ISO layout
3 left ..... TOY....................22 $6........1 Wanna Scratch? key puller
1 left ..... KEYBOARDBLACKONRED.....24 $3........1 Keyboard Black on Red
2 left ..... UNIONJACK..............23 $3.5......1 Union Jack 1.25 modifier
in stock ... KOELSCH................19 $0.7......1 Koelsch key 1.25 mod.
2 left ..... WHITEBLANKR3U100BNUB....0 $0.3......1 White blank key
1 left ..... WHITEBLANKR3U100CNUB....2 $0.3......1 White blank key
2 left ..... WHITEBLANKR4U100........1 $0.3......1 White blank key
3 left ..... WHITEBLANKR4U125........1 $0.3......1 White blank key
in stock ... WHITEBLANKR1U200H.......0 $0.3......1 White blank key
in stock ... WHITEBLANKR1U100........0 $0.3......1 White blank key
1 left ..... WHITEBLANKR3U100X.......0 $2.5.....10 White blank keys
1 left ..... WHITEBLANKR4U100X.......1 $2.5.....10 White blank keys
2 left ..... WHITEBLANKR1U100X.......0 $2.5.....10 White blank keys
in stock ... BLACKBLANKR1U200H.......1 $0.3......1 Black blank key
in stock ... BLACKBLANKR4U100.......10 $0.3......1 Black blank key
1 left ..... BLACKBLANKR2UJRET.......0 $0.3......1 Black blank key
in stock ... BLACKBLANKR1U100........4 $0.3......1 Black blank key
1 left ..... BLACKBLANKR3U100CNUB....2 $0.3......1 Black blank key
in stock ... BLACKBLANKR3U100BNUB....0 $0.3......1 Black blank key
2 left ..... BLACKBLANKR2U100........6 $0.3......1 Black blank key
in stock ... BLACKBLANKR4U125........3 $0.3......1 Black blank key
in stock ... BLACKBLANKR3U100........3 $0.3......1 Black blank key
2 left ..... BLACKBLANKR3U100X.......1 $2.5.....10 Black blank keys
3 left ..... BLACKBLANKR4U100X.......1 $2.5.....10 Black blank keys
2 left ..... BLACKBLANKR1U100X.......4 $2.5.....10 Black blank keys
in stock ... ORANGEBLANKR4U200H......0 $0.3......1 Orange blank key
1 left ..... ORANGEBLANKR4U125.......4 $0.3......1 Orange blank key
in stock ... ORANGEBLANKR1U100.......0 $0.3......1 Orange blank key
in stock ... ORANGEBLANKR4U100.......0 $0.3......1 Orange blank key
1 left ..... ORANGEBLANKR3U100X......1 $2.5.....10 Orange blank keys
1 left ..... ORANGEBLANKR4U100X......2 $2.5.....10 Orange blank keys
1 left ..... ORANGEBLANKR1U100X......3 $2.5.....10 Orange blank keys
1 left ..... REDBLANKFULL............4 $36.....113 Blank full kit
1 left ..... BLUEBLANKR2UJRET........0 $0.3......1 Blue blank key
1 left ..... BLUEBLANKR1U200H........0 $0.3......1 Blue blank key
in stock ... BLUEBLANKR4U200H........0 $0.3......1 Blue blank key
in stock ... GREYBLANKFUN............4 $6.......16 Blank Function keys
in stock ... GREYBLANKHALFFUN........3 $3........8 Blank Function keys
in stock ... CLEARBLANKR4U200H.......4 $0.3......1 Clear blank key
in stock ... CLEARBLANKR4U125........4 $0.3......1 Clear blank key
in stock ... CLEARBLANKR1U100.......16 $0.3......1 Clear blank key
in stock ... CLEARBLANKR4U100.......14 $0.3......1 Clear blank key
1 left ..... CLEARBLANKR4U125X.......0 $2.5.....10 Clear blank keys
2 left ..... CLEARBLANKR4U100X.......3 $2.5.....10 Clear blank keys
in stock ... CLEARBLANKR1U100X.......2 $2.5.....10 Clear blank keys
in stock ... SPACEPOSGREY............8 $2........1 Space 7 u;133;57,42.8
2 left ..... SPACEOLDBLACK...........8 $2........1 Space 7 u;133;57,57
1 left ..... SPACEOLDGREY...........11 $2........1 Space 7 u;133;57,57
2 left ..... SPACEOLDORANGE..........3 $2........1 Space 7 u;133;57,57

Please look into the list of keys which SP has got in stock!
These are only the prices:
BLANKUNIT100...........334 (1x blank stock-key) ($0.26/fixed #1)
BLANKUNIT125............28 (1.25x blank stock-key) ($0.37/fixed #1)
BLANKUNIT150............13 (1.5x blank stock-key) ($0.51/fixed #1)
BLANKUNIT175.............8 (1.75x blank stock-key) ($0.54/fixed #1)
BLANKUNIT175S............7 (1.75x step blank stock-key) ($0.51/fixed #1)
BLANKUNIT200H............9 (2x horiz. blank stock-key) ($0.52/fixed #1)
BLANKUNIT200V............. (2x vert. blank stock-key) ($0.71/fixed #1)
BLANKUNIT225.............5 (2.25x blank stock-key) ($0.82/fixed #1)
BLANKUNIT275.............2 (2.75x blank stock-key) ($1.03/fixed #1)
BLANKUNIT675.............. (space bar blank stock-key) ($3/fixed #1)
BLANKUNIT700.............. (space bar blank stock-key) ($3/fixed #1)
BLANKUNIT800.............. (space bar blank stock-key) ($3/fixed #1)

Color codes:
WA (White; lettering for most of the keys)
GE (Gray; Standard kits alnum-keys)
GX (Very Dark Gray; Standard kits modifier keys) called 'Black' except for MOOGLE kits and LED-window keys for the Moogle kit!
OAS (Orange; all the orange stuff)
RA (Red; all the red stuff)
YY (Yellow; all the yellow stuff)
BFJ (Light Blue; all the blue stuff)
WFK (White; lettering for Cherry black)
NN (Black; key-color for Cherry black and all black lettering)
WQ (White; key-color for Cherry white)
WAR (Beige; modifier key-color for Cherry white)

Here is the list of all colors:

Kit ......................... Foreground / Background
Modifier keys ............... WA (White) / GX (Very Dark Gray)
Alnum keys .................. WA (White) / GE (Gray)
Orange kit .................. WA (White) / OAS (Orange)
White on Blue kit ........... WA (White) / BFJ (Light Blue)
Red kit ..................... WA (White) / RA (Red)
5down white ................. NN (Black) / WQ (White)
5down black ................ WFK (White) / NN (Black)
Moogle kits ................. to match old Cherry keys
Keyboardlover key ........... WA (White) / GX (Very Dark Gray)
Awesome yellow .............. NN (Black) / YY (Yellow)
Awesome red ................. WA (White) / RA (Red)
Awesome black on orange ..... NN (Black) / OAS (Orange)
Awesome white on orange ..... WA (White) / OAS (Orange)
keyboard key ................ NN (Black) / RA (Red)
keyboard key ................ WA (White) / RA (Red)
Escape KBD .................. WA (White) / RA (Red)
Look Of Disapproval ......... NN (Black) / RA (Red)
Tux key ..................... WA (White) / GX (Very Dark Gray)
Linux key ................... WA (White) / GX (Very Dark Gray)
Gnome key ................... WA (White) / GX (Very Dark Gray)
Pirate flag ................. WA (White) / GX (Very Dark Gray)
Commodore C= key ............ WA (White) / GX (Very Dark Gray)
Command key ................. WA (White) / GX (Very Dark Gray)
Lotus key ................... NN (Black) / WA (White)
Chernobyl key ............... YY (Yellow) / NN (Black)
Starcraft Terran-Shield ..... RA (Red) / NN (Black)
Starcraft Protoss-Standard .. YK (Yellow) / NN (Black)
Starcraft Zerg simplified .. RCJ (Lavender) / NN (Black)
Starcraft Random ........... BFP (Blue) / NN (Black)
Union Jack .................. WA (White) / GX (Very Dark Gray)
Geek Hack Back Space ........ WA (White) / GX (Very Dark Gray)
Geek Hack Back Space ....... OAS (Orange) / GX (Very Dark Gray)
Geek Hack Back Space ........ NN (Black) / OAS (Orange)
SYS key ..................... YY (Yellow) / BFK (Blue)
SYS mod key ................. WA (White) / TGG (Gray)
ATTACK NOW key .............. WA (White) / BO (Blue)
LONG key NN (Black) ......... YY (Yellow)
Japanese flag ............... RA (Red) / WA (White)
ggFTW key ................... NN (Black) / OAS (Orange)
Blue Enter key .............. WA (WHITE) / BFR (Blue)
MX Blue ..................... NN (Black) / BO (Blue)
MX Black .................... WA (White) / NN (Black)
MX Brown .................... WA (White) / TGH (Brown)
MX Red ...................... NN (Black) / RA (Red)
MX Clear .................... NN (Black) / UK-11 (semi-transparent)
Black Blank ................. GX (Very Dark Grey)
White Blank ................. WA (White)
Orange Blank ............... OAS (Orange)
Red Blank ................... RA (Red)
Blue Blank ................. BFJ (Light Blue)
Clear Blank ................ UEV (Clear)

Blank key caps which Signature Plastics has got in stock:

Here are the prices for in-stock blanks, regardless of quantity:

size .... price
1 ....... $0.26
1.25 .... $0.37
1.5 ..... $0.51
1.75 .... $0.54
1.75 step $0.51
2 horiz . $0.52
2 vert .. $0.71
2.25 .... $0.82
2.75 .... $1.03
space ... $3

How to order:

Please look at the inventory lists:


These lists contain Part numbers (left column).

If you want all 485 of single, row-1 keys in BEIGE (GAL) and made from ABS, then you have to send a message to 7bit_vote containing the line:

211524 485

Yopu can also add a comment, so you can remember what the order-ID-s mean:

211524 485 # DCS, row-1 beige

Please use this format!
Comments must be preceded with a '#' :

partnumber quantity # comment

Return keys for ISO layouts (UK/Nordic-language kits):

If you take a kit which is ISOlayout, default is a black J-shape Return key as shown in the graphics. One Return key for any of these ISO layouts is free.

Prices, see list above.

Default is a grey space bar (SPACEGREY) which matches Filco/Ducky and recent Cherry G80-3000.
You don't need to vote for that grey space bar, if you want this to be included to your Standard kit.

However, if you don't want it, but another one instead, add the following line to your vote:

If you fear to end up with Standard sets without a space bar:
I will check if there are as many space bars as Standard sets included and send you a note about that.

One space bar per Standard kit is free, if there are at least 25 being produced.

Additional space bars cost approx. $2 if 25 are being produced, or $3 if 10 are being produced.

Keyboard .......................... Order ID
Cherry/Filco/Ducky ................ (SPACEBLACK)
Cherry/Filco/Ducky ................ (SPACEGREY)
Cherry/Filco/Ducky ................ (SPACEORANGE)

G80-3000 and some POS and 19" keybaords:
old Cherry without Win key ........ (SPACEOLDBLACK)
old Cherry without Win key ........ (SPACEOLDGREY)
old Cherry without Win key ........ (SPACEOLDORANGE)

old Cherry keyboards without Windows keys:
Cherry POS (MX1800) ............... (SPACEPOSBLACK)
Cherry POS (MX1800) ............... (SPACEPOSGREY)
Cherry POS (MX1800) ............... (SPACEPOSORANGE)

new 19" keyboards with Windows keys:
Cherry NEW (MX11900) ............... (SPACENEWBLACK)
Cherry NEW (MX11900) ............... (SPACENEWGREY)
Cherry NEW (MX11900) ............... (SPACENEWORANGE)

No Leopold space bar, because key caps manufacturer hasn't got the tools to make it!

No Blackwidow space bar, because I never got the measures!

Please tell me if I had some type of space bar forgotten.

For actual contents, see detailed list below:
For prices see the list above:

Standard kit
  • 104 US-layout in black/grey-color-scheme with white labels,
  • cursor-keys without arrows: UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT instead!
  • Numpad 0-9: no arrows, no text, just numbers only (in grey)
  • CONTROL and CAPS LOCK (both, stepped and normal)
  • 1 1/4-keys: 2xALT, 2xSUPER, 2xCONTROL, META, ALT GRAPH
  • GEEK HACK keys in both colors
  • cursor-keys with arrows
  • un-nubbed versions of F, J, and 5

UK kit
  • Including J-shape RETURN and small left SHIFT.

Nordic kit
  • Including J-shape RETURN and small left SHIFT.
  • This kit covers Austria, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Slovenija.
  • any of AT, DE, DK, FI, NO, SE, SI is exactly the same as Nordic kit.

FR kit
  • 29 keys including J-shape RETURN and small left SHIFT.

ES kit
  • 23 keys including J-shape RETURN and small left SHIFT.

Colemak kit

Dvorak kit

Modifier kit
  • RUB OUT and SYMBOL (stepped and un-stepped version)

    2xCOMMAND, 2xOPTION, WINDOWS, and a blank (1 1/4 sized)
  • BACKSPACE, LINE (at Tab or |\-position)

1 1/2-sized Modifier kit

    (1.5 sized keys for ancient keyboards)

Numeric kit
  • including 0-9 with additional single-sized 0 and vertical = (for number-block, black)
  • & % ^ = ( ) @ $ \ |  |\ (for top rows, black)
  •  [ ] {   }  :  \ | |\  - + (QWERTY-row, black)
  • = - + (ASDFG-row, black)
  •  |\  = (ZXCVBN-row, black)
  • plus some other keys (all in black)

Function kit
  • F13-F24 (matching colors, ie F13-F16, F21-F24 in grey, F17-F20 in black)
  • F1-F4, F9-F12 (in black)
  • bottom-row: BEGIN, END, PRIOR, NEXT, DELETE, RESET (in black)
  • plus some other keys (all in black)

POS kit
  • double-spaced-keys which can be mounted on top of 2 switches (all in black):

  • blanks for all rows can be provided, please ask 7bit for details!
  • single spaced keys (all in black):

bottom-rows: 2xCONTROL (or CTRL if CONTROL does not fit on a single key),
  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 (for top rows, in grey)
  • ... and some more keys.
  • If you need different quantities of those keys above, please ask 7bit.
Gamer kits (Orange, Red, Blue on White, White on Blue, Darkblue)
  • W, A, S, D, E, F, R, G
  • R for Colemak (ASDFG-row)
  • maybe additional Dvorak keys for normal WASD-position,

if there is some demand in that set (see Round 3 main-poll).
  • 4 arrows (cursor keys)
  • FORWARD (FORWRD, or FORTH, or FORW), BACK, LEFT, RIGHT (cursor keys)
  • FIRE and 'arrow up' for POS or Terminal-boards (cursor cross)

Tool kit
  • Filco key puller (price might be below $5, just awaiting response from EK)

Toy kit
  • orange key-cap puller with inscription
Important: If you use it to pull key caps, it will scratch them!!!
  • other extras?

Awesome Face
  • Colors: black on yello, ****e on red, black on orage and white on orange.

Blank single sized keys (colors: black, orange, red, white, blue)
  • All single-sized keys for both ANSI 104-key and ISO 105-key layout.

Blank modifiers (colors: black, orange, red, white, blue)
  • All non-single-sized keys for a US 104-key layout

Blank J-shape Return (colors: black, orange, red, white, blue)
  • J-shape Return plus 1 1/4 sized left Shift.

Blank Full kit contains
  • Blank kit (90 keys)
  • Blank Modifier kit (19 keys)
  • Blank J-shape Return kit (2 keys)
  • one 1.75x key and one 2x key (both row 4, shift position)

Standard kit

UK kit

Nordic kit

Please notice that this kit covers Austria, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Slovenija.

FR kit

Colemak kit

Modifier kit

One-Half Modifier kit

Function kit

Numeric kit

POS kit

Orange Gamer kit
The "WASD-key with arrows" is included!

Red Gamer kit
The "WASD-key with arrows" is included!

Blue on White Gamer kit
The "WASD-key with arrows" is included!

White on Blue Gamer kit
The "WASD-key with arrows" is included!

These are color samples. I don't know if SP can produce these colors.

Blank keys layout scheme

Awesome Face black on yellow

Awesome Face black on orange

Awesome Face white on red


Keyboard Key


Keybaord Escape key

Don't hesitate to suggest changes.

Please be as specific as possible!

I will post layout-schemes for other kits later.

Any suggestions or comments are welcome!

Older threads:
ROUND THREE: Additional kits / Color
« Last Edit: Tue, 28 June 2011, 01:41:52 by 7bit_vote »

Offline 7bit_vote

  • Thread Starter
  • Posts: 159
How to vote!
« Reply #1 on: Wed, 22 December 2010, 16:33:35 »
How to vote

To vote sets in certain quantities, just write a personal
message of the following form and send it to my
user account: (7bit_vote).

The data-format is:
Order-ID followed by the quantity, separated by a space, or two.

To vote for 2 Standard kits, 2 UK kits, one Modifier kit and the Orange kit:

UK 2

If you want to clear your vote, just send a message
containing the line:


If you want to clear a specific set, send:

UK 0

Or if you want to change values:


Other values will be unaffected.

Values will be overwritten, so


does not add 2 ORANGE kits to the existing 1.

If you want to receive an e-mail with the latest poll-results from time to time, including your own vote, add a line:

EMAIL email-address

Please do not add questions to these messages.
They would be not harmfull, but will be ignored.

Send questions to that dude who goes by the name of '7bit'.

If you need to add comments for yourself, just prefix a line with # .

DE 2
« Last Edit: Fri, 11 March 2011, 02:03:11 by 7bit_vote »

Offline 7bit_vote

  • Thread Starter
  • Posts: 159
« Reply #2 on: Wed, 22 December 2010, 16:34:05 »

Number of users voted in this poll:

Kit....................Qty (Description) (price/Qty.)
STANDARD...............190 (Standard kit (Space not incl.!)) ($40/190 #117)
UK......................22 (Language kit) ($5/23 #8)
UKL......................1 (Language kit with L-ret) ($7/1 #8)
NORDIC..................19 (Nordic Language kit) ($16/24 #44)
FR......................10 (French Language kit) ($15/12 #29)
ES.......................6 (Spanish Language kit) ($14/12 #23)
DVORAK...................6 (Language kit) ($12/12 #22)
COLEMAK.................22 (Language kit) ($6/24 #14)
NUMERIC.................18 (Special kit) ($10/18 #63)
FUNCTION................28 (Special kit) ($10/28 #69)
ONEHALFMOD..............30 (Special kit) ($10/30 #14)
MODIFIER................25 (Special kit) ($12/26 #20)
POS.....................24 (Special kit) ($18/24 #60)
COLEMAKBACKSPACE........18 (Backspace for Caps pos) ($3/26 #2)
COLEMAKCAPS.............11 (Caps for Backspace pos) ($2/12 #1)
VERTBSLASH...............5 (Vertical Backslash for ISO layout) ($0.4/12 #1)
TOOL....................94 (Filco key cap puller) ($5/100 #1)
COLORCHAINABS............2 (Color Sample Chain ABS) ($35/3 #150)
COLORCHAINPBT............2 (Color Sample Chain PBT) ($35/3 #150)
TOY.....................25 (Wanna Scratch? key puller) ($6/25 #1)
ORANGE.................105 (Gamer kit) ($7/105 #27)
RED.....................25 (Gamer kit) ($10/25 #27)
WHITEONBLUE.............35 (Gamer kit) ($9/35 #27)
MOOGLEWHITE.............22 (Cherry vintage supplement kit) ($8/22 #12)
MOOGLEBLACK.............15 (Cherry vintage supplement kit) ($12/15 #12)
AWESOMEYELLOW..........170 (Awesome Yellow) ($1.5/170 #1)
AWESOMERED..............40 (Awesome Red) ($2.5/40 #1)
AWESOMEBLACKONORANGE....25 (Awesome Black on Orange) ($3/25 #1)
AWESOMEORANGE...........25 (Awesome White on Orange) ($3/25 #1)
KEYBOARDBLACKONRED......11 (Keyboard Black on Red) ($3/25 #1)
KEYBOARDRED.............25 (Keyboard White on Red) ($3/25 #1)
ESCAPERED..............128 (Escape key) ($1.75/130 #1)
AWITHDOT...............190 (Reddit Look of Disapproval) ($1.5/190 #1)
FIVEDOWNBLACK...........28 (Five down key (Cherry black)) ($0.4/28 #1)
FIVEDOWNWHITE...........28 (Five down key (Cherry white)) ($0.4/28 #1)
KEYBOARDLOVER...........20 (Keyboardlover key) ($1/20 #1)
ATTACKNOW...............60 (Attack Now key) ($0.3/60 #1)
COMMODORE...............25 (Commodore C= key) ($3.5/25 #1)
COMMAND.................25 (Command key) ($3.5/25 #1)
LONGKEY.................30 (LONG key Black on Yellow) ($0.4/30 #1)
LOTUSESC................35 (Lotus of Vietnam Escape key) ($2.5/35 #1)
CHERNOBYL...............30 (Radio Active Yellow on Black key) ($3/30 #1)
GHBLACK.................18 (Geek Hack BS White on Black) ($5/25 #1)
GHORANGEONBLACK.........25 (GeekHack BS Orange on Black) ($5/25 #1)
GHBLACKONORANGE.........16 (GeekHack BS Black on Orange) ($5/25 #1)
MXBLACK.................15 (MX black key) ($1/15 #1)
MXBLUE..................15 (MX blue key) ($1/15 #1)
MXBROWN.................15 (MX brown key) ($1/15 #1)
MXCLEAR.................15 (MX clear key) ($1/15 #1)
MXRED...................15 (MX red key) ($1/15 #1)
UNIONJACK...............19 (Union Jack 1.25 modifier) ($3.5/25 #1)
PIRATEFLAG..............40 (Pirate Flag 1.25 modifier) ($3/40 #1)
JAPANESEFLAG............60 (Japanese Flag 1.25 modifier) ($0.5/60 #1)
SYSGRAY.................35 (Woody SYS white on gray 1.25 mod.) ($0.65/35 #1)
SYSBLUE.................30 (Woody SYS yellow on blue funct.) ($0.4/30 #1)
KOELSCH..................5 (Koelsch key 1.25 mod.) ($0.7/26 #1)
SCWINTERRAN.............70 (Starcraft Terran-Shield 1.25 mod.) ($2.5/70 #1)
SCESCTERRAN.............60 (Starcraft Terran-Shield funct.) ($2/60 #1)
SCWINPROTOSS............80 (Starcraft Protoss-Std. 1.25 mod.) ($2.5/80 #1)
SCESCPROTOSS............70 (Starcraft Protoss-Std. funct.) ($2/70 #1)
SCWINZERG...............70 (Starcraft Zerg simpl. 1.25 mod.) ($2.5/70 #1)
SCESCZERG...............65 (Starcraft Zerg simpl. funct.) ($2/65 #1)
SCWINRANDOM.............25 (Starcraft Random 1.25 mod.) ($3.5/25 #1)
SCESCRANDOM.............35 (Starcraft Random funct.) ($2.5/35 #1)
LINUX...................75 (Tux 1.25 modifier) ($2.5/75 #1)
TUX.....................25 (Tux 1 modifier) ($3/25 #1)
GNOME...................25 (Gnome 1.25 modifier) ($3.5/25 #1)
VIM.....................50 (Vim Escape key) ($3.5/50 #1)
GGFTW...................40 (ggFTW black on orange key) ($0.4/40 #1)
BLUERET.................20 (blue m-shape ANSI Enter key) ($2.5/20 #1)
WHITEBLANK..............12 (Blank keys) ($16/12 #90)
WHITEBLANKALP............2 (Blank Alpha keys) ($8/2 #37)
WHITEBLANKFUN............2 (Blank Function keys) ($4/2 #16)
WHITEBLANKMOD............7 (Blank modifiers including space) ($16/7 #19)
WHITEBLANKRET............3 (Blank J-Return and 1.25 Shift) ($8/3 #2)
WHITEBLANKFULL...........3 (Blank full kit) ($32/3 #113)
BLACKBLANK..............18 (Blank keys) ($12/18 #90)
BLACKBLANKALP............3 (Blank Alpha keys) ($6/3 #37)
BLACKBLANKFUN............1 (Blank Function keys) ($3/3 #16)
BLACKBLANKMOD...........11 (Blank modifiers including space) ($12/11 #19)
BLACKBLANKRET............3 (Blank J-Return and 1.25 Shift) ($8/3 #2)
BLACKBLANKFULL...........6 (Blank full kit) ($24/6 #113)
BLACKBLANKFULLNR.........3 (Blank full kit No Jret) ($20/3 #112)
ORANGEBLANK..............9 (Blank keys) ($16/9 #90)
ORANGEBLANKNN............2 (Blank keys No nubbed) ($15/2 #88)
ORANGEBLANKALP...........2 (Blank Alpha keys) ($8/2 #37)
ORANGEBLANKFUN...........2 (Blank Function keys) ($4/2 #16)
ORANGEBLANKMOD..........11 (Blank modifiers including space) ($12/11 #19)
ORANGEBLANKRET...........6 (Blank J-Return and 1.25 Shift) ($8/6 #2)
ORANGEBLANKFULL..........9 (Blank full kit) ($24/9 #113)
REDBLANK.................5 (Blank keys) ($18/5 #90)
REDBLANKALP..............4 (Blank Alpha keys) ($9/5 #37)
REDBLANKFUN..............5 (Blank Function keys) ($5/5 #16)
REDBLANKMOD..............2 (Blank modifiers including space) ($18/5 #19)
REDBLANKRET............... (Blank J-Return and 1.25 Shift) ($8/1 #2)
REDBLANKFULL.............5 (Blank full kit) ($36/5 #113)
BLUEBLANK................3 (Blank keys) ($18/3 #90)
BLUEBLANKALP.............3 (Blank Alpha keys) ($9/3 #37)
BLUEBLANKFUN.............3 (Blank Function keys) ($5/3 #16)
BLUEBLANKMOD.............2 (Blank modifiers including space) ($18/2 #19)
BLUEBLANKRET.............1 (Blank J-Return and 1.25 Shift) ($8/2 #2)
BLUEBLANKFULL............1 (Blank full kit) ($36/3 #113)
GREYBLANKFUN.............1 (Blank Function keys) ($6/10 #16)
GREYBLANKHALFFUN.........3 (Blank Function keys) ($3/10 #8)
CLEARBLANK..............28 (Blank keys) ($14/28 #90)
CLEARBLANKALP............5 (Blank Alpha keys) ($7/5 #37)
CLEARBLANKFUN...........20 (Blank Function keys) ($4/20 #16)
CLEARBLANKMOD...........25 (Blank modifiers including space) ($14/25 #19)
CLEARBLANKRET............3 (Blank J-Return and 1.25 Shift) ($8/3 #2)
CLEARBLANKFULL...........4 (Blank full kit) ($28/4 #113)
CLEARBLANKFULLNR.........3 (Blank full kit No Jret) ($24/3 #112)
CLEARBLANKFULLNNR........1 (Blank full kit No nubbed) ($23/1 #109)
CLEARBLANKFULLNN.........2 (Blank full kit No nubbed) ($27/2 #111)
SPACEGREY..............185 (Space (6.25 u;118;Filco/Cherry)) ($2/185 #1)
SPACEWHITE...............2 (Space (6.25 u;118;Filco/Cherry)) ($2/2 #1)
SPACEORANGE.............30 (Space (6.25 u;118;Filco/Cherry)) ($2/30 #1)
SPACEBLACK..............50 (Space (6.25 u;118;Filco/Cherry)) ($2/50 #1)
SPACECLEAR...............5 (Space (6.25 u;118;Filco/Cherry)) ($2/5 #1)
SPACENEWBLACK............5 (Space (6 u;114;38,57)) ($2/5 #1)
SPACENEWORANGE...........5 (Space (6 u;114;38,57)) ($2/5 #1)
SPACENEWCLEAR............5 (Space (6 u;114;38,57)) ($2/5 #1)
SPACENEWGREY.............8 (Space (6 u;114;38,57)) ($2/8 #1)
SPACEPOSGREY.............7 (Space (7 u;133;57,42.8)) ($2/12 #1)
SPACEOLDBLACK............6 (Space (7 u;133;57,57)) ($2/10 #1)
SPACEOLDGREY.............9 (Space (7 u;133;57,57)) ($2/12 #1)
SPACEOLDCLEAR............3 (Space (7 u;133;57,57)) ($2/5 #1)
SPACEOLDORANGE...........1 (Space (7 u;133;57,57)) ($2/5 #1)
JRET.....................5 (J-shape Return key) ($2/5 #1)
LRET.....................7 (L-shape Return key) ($4/7 #1)
BLANKUNIT100...........374 (1x blank stock-key) ($0.26/fixed #1)
BLANKUNIT125............29 (1.25x blank stock-key) ($0.37/fixed #1)
BLANKUNIT150............18 (1.5x blank stock-key) ($0.51/fixed #1)
BLANKUNIT175.............9 (1.75x blank stock-key) ($0.54/fixed #1)
BLANKUNIT175S............8 (1.75x step blank stock-key) ($0.51/fixed #1)
BLANKUNIT200H............9 (2x horiz. blank stock-key) ($0.52/fixed #1)
BLANKUNIT200V............. (2x vert. blank stock-key) ($0.71/fixed #1)
BLANKUNIT225.............6 (2.25x blank stock-key) ($0.82/fixed #1)
BLANKUNIT275.............2 (2.75x blank stock-key) ($1.03/fixed #1)
BLANKUNIT675.............. (space bar blank stock-key) ($3/fixed #1)
BLANKUNIT700.............. (space bar blank stock-key) ($3/fixed #1)
BLANKUNIT800.............. (space bar blank stock-key) ($3/fixed #1)
« Last Edit: Wed, 13 April 2011, 02:32:07 by 7bit_vote »

Offline Ekaros

  • Posts: 942
Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #3 on: Wed, 22 December 2010, 16:38:57 »
So I should add something useless here yes? Ok, ok...
Filco 105-key NKRO MX Browns Sw/Fi-layout|IBM Model M 1394545 Lexmark 102-key Finnish-layout 1994-03-22|Cherry G80-3000LQCDE-2 with MX CLEAR
Dell AT102W(105-key SF) (Black ALPS)|Steelseries Steelkeys 6G(MX Black) ISO-FI-layout|Cherry G84-4400 G84-4700 Cherry MLs

Offline SpatiallyAware

  • Posts: 66
Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #4 on: Wed, 22 December 2010, 17:56:33 »
I believe your multitude of threads has crashed the server.

I have three open and can't find actual pics..

Offline dewaere

  • Posts: 73
Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #5 on: Wed, 22 December 2010, 19:53:11 »
Noob question but just to be sure, for example, on my filco 105 Fr layout, I need:

FR 1
KBC Poker Red / IBM Model M 1987 / Das Keyboard 1 / Filco Majestouch 2 Tenleyless Brown / Nopoo minichoc Red / Cherry G80-1861 HBF Black / Qpad MK-80 Red / Zowie EC2 / Zowie Mico / Steelseries XAI / Steelseries KANA /  Microsoft IE 3.0 / Microsoft imo 1.1 / Microsoft wmo 1.1 / Logitech MX 518 / Logitech MX 300 / Logitech MX 310 / Razer DeathAdder 1800 / Razer  Diamondback 1600 / Logitech  G9X

Offline theferenc

  • Posts: 1327
Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #6 on: Wed, 22 December 2010, 20:05:24 »
That's how I read it, yes. And that's how I submitted, as well.
HHKB Pro 2 -- Custom UNIX layout Unicomp Customizer 101 -- IBM Model M 1391401 (modded to UNIX layout) -- IBM 1397000 (also UNIX layout) -- SSK in UNIX layout -- Model F 122 key in UNIX layout (Soarer USB "native")
CST L-TracX trackball -- Kensington Expert Mouse trackball

Offline Megaweapon

  • Posts: 188
Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #7 on: Wed, 22 December 2010, 20:15:36 »
Quote from: SpatiallyAware;267495
I have three open and can't find actual pics..

Lots of pics in the round one thread:
Ancer Research Groop DFK191ABA11 IBM Model M13 Part 92G7461 (white) Rosewill RK-9000
Matias Tactile Pro 3 Apple Extended Keyboard II (ALPS)
Rosewill RK-9000I

Offline dewaere

  • Posts: 73
Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #8 on: Wed, 22 December 2010, 20:35:27 »
Thank you theferenc ;)

I needed to be absolutely sure:)
KBC Poker Red / IBM Model M 1987 / Das Keyboard 1 / Filco Majestouch 2 Tenleyless Brown / Nopoo minichoc Red / Cherry G80-1861 HBF Black / Qpad MK-80 Red / Zowie EC2 / Zowie Mico / Steelseries XAI / Steelseries KANA /  Microsoft IE 3.0 / Microsoft imo 1.1 / Microsoft wmo 1.1 / Logitech MX 518 / Logitech MX 300 / Logitech MX 310 / Razer DeathAdder 1800 / Razer  Diamondback 1600 / Logitech  G9X

Offline HungryPillow

  • Posts: 72
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Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #9 on: Wed, 22 December 2010, 23:34:24 »
Is it possible to do a blank white key set?

How about also a blue kit for the WASD UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT etc. with white lettering?
Realforce 87U | Realforce 104U | Filco Majestouch MX Blues | Corsair K70 RGB MX Browns | Ducky Shine 4 MX Clears / Browns | WhiteFox Aria MX Browns

Offline Ekaros

  • Posts: 942
Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #10 on: Thu, 23 December 2010, 00:15:36 »
Quote from: HungryPillow;267606
Is it possible to do a blank white key set?

How about also a blue kit for the WASD UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT etc. with white lettering?

I belive that right place for those questions are the other threads in this case the one for additional "junk"...
So I should add something useless here yes? Ok, ok...
Filco 105-key NKRO MX Browns Sw/Fi-layout|IBM Model M 1394545 Lexmark 102-key Finnish-layout 1994-03-22|Cherry G80-3000LQCDE-2 with MX CLEAR
Dell AT102W(105-key SF) (Black ALPS)|Steelseries Steelkeys 6G(MX Black) ISO-FI-layout|Cherry G84-4400 G84-4700 Cherry MLs

Offline Twitchy

  • Posts: 238
Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #11 on: Thu, 23 December 2010, 01:18:32 »
You`d never guess, but I quite like the idea of blank orange keys. Why does a complete set cost more than the standard set of double-shot keys?
Filco Majestouch FKBN88M/UKB2
Topre Realforce 91UBY
Razer Imperator + Razer Vespula[/COLOR]

Offline 7bit

  • Posts: 3629
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Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #12 on: Thu, 23 December 2010, 01:49:58 »
Quote from: dewaere;267546
Noob question but just to be sure, for example, on my filco 105 Fr layout, I need:

FR 1

Right, every key included to make up french layout.
If you decide to have 2 plus the key-caps puller you just send another message:

FR 2

Quote from: Ekaros;267613
I belive that right place for those questions are the other threads in this case the one for additional "junk"...

No problem to ask for these here. I will put them into the list. That's the reason why I set this up instead of a real poll, because I can add that stuff on the fly.

Quote from: Twitchy;267639
You`d never guess, but I quite like the idea of blank orange keys. Why does a complete set cost more than the standard set of double-shot keys?

25 sets of a full 104 key layout cost $57.49

I did not get a response how much blanks will cost. To be on the safe side I make it a bit more expansive. If there are more orders and prices are lower for blanks, I will adapt these.
« Last Edit: Thu, 23 December 2010, 01:58:42 by 7bit »
Buy key caps here: Round 5
Buy switches here: CherryMX

Offline Twitchy

  • Posts: 238
Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #13 on: Thu, 23 December 2010, 02:39:05 »
Ah ok, I had expected blanks to be cheaper than the doubleshots. Nevertheless I have added:
ORANGEBLANKRET 1 my vote and keep my fingers crossed. :)
Filco Majestouch FKBN88M/UKB2
Topre Realforce 91UBY
Razer Imperator + Razer Vespula[/COLOR]

Offline ynih

  • Posts: 112
Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #14 on: Thu, 23 December 2010, 02:45:52 »
Hmm...I sent mine in like this, hope it's somewhat correct...

Keyboards: (2) FKBN87MC/EB | (2) FKBN87M/EB | (1) FKBN87ML/EB | (1) FKBN87Z/EB | (1) FKBN104M/AI | (1) FKBN104MC/AI | (1) FKB104M/EB | (1) RK-9000 | (1) RF 86U SE05C0 all 45g modded | (1) HHKB 2 Pro PD-KB400W

Feedback: GeekHack 1 & 2 | eBay | HeatWare

Offline eliOcs

  • Posts: 20
Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #15 on: Thu, 23 December 2010, 02:51:04 »
ES 1

Hope we get to the order phase soon :D. I appreciate your efforts 7bit! Keep it up!

Offline ynih

  • Posts: 112
Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #16 on: Thu, 23 December 2010, 03:01:09 »
Yes, thanks 7bit, much appreciated!
Keyboards: (2) FKBN87MC/EB | (2) FKBN87M/EB | (1) FKBN87ML/EB | (1) FKBN87Z/EB | (1) FKBN104M/AI | (1) FKBN104MC/AI | (1) FKB104M/EB | (1) RK-9000 | (1) RF 86U SE05C0 all 45g modded | (1) HHKB 2 Pro PD-KB400W

Feedback: GeekHack 1 & 2 | eBay | HeatWare

Offline 7bit_vote

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Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #17 on: Thu, 23 December 2010, 03:01:31 »
Quote from: eliOcs;267667
ES 1

Hope we get to the order phase soon :D. I appreciate your efforts 7bit! Keep it up!


Please send me (7bit_vote) a Private Message with these lines you posted here!!!

You can vote as many times you want, and can also change or delete your votes sending a new message to me.

Offline eliOcs

  • Posts: 20
Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #18 on: Thu, 23 December 2010, 03:51:09 »
ooops sorry my bad ;)

Offline nathanscribe

  • Posts: 171
Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #19 on: Thu, 23 December 2010, 05:38:29 »
...just for the record.
Conquering the world with BASIC since 1982

Offline lootbag

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Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #20 on: Thu, 23 December 2010, 07:45:26 »
voted earlier this morning!
really looking forward to quick results for this round!
thanks for organizing this thus far.

Offline tjweir

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Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #21 on: Thu, 23 December 2010, 08:09:22 »
Quote from: Twitchy;267639
You`d never guess, but I quite like the idea of blank orange keys. Why does a complete set cost more than the standard set of double-shot keys?

Ya, the orange looks great, ordered a ORANGEBLANK set.

Offline Ekaros

  • Posts: 942
Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #22 on: Thu, 23 December 2010, 08:30:51 »
I seriously need key cap puller, I even now have spare set of keys, but no puller... Hmm should I try to make that paperclip one...
So I should add something useless here yes? Ok, ok...
Filco 105-key NKRO MX Browns Sw/Fi-layout|IBM Model M 1394545 Lexmark 102-key Finnish-layout 1994-03-22|Cherry G80-3000LQCDE-2 with MX CLEAR
Dell AT102W(105-key SF) (Black ALPS)|Steelseries Steelkeys 6G(MX Black) ISO-FI-layout|Cherry G84-4400 G84-4700 Cherry MLs

Offline db_Iodine

  • Posts: 656
Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #23 on: Thu, 23 December 2010, 08:43:31 »
I used two paper clips held by a Leatherman to pull my stabilized keys. Works like a charm.

Offline Twitchy

  • Posts: 238
Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #24 on: Thu, 23 December 2010, 09:34:52 »
Quote from: 7bit_vote;267464

Show Image

Orange kit
  • W, A, S, D, E, F, R, G
  • R for Colemak (ASDFG-row)
  • maybe additional Dvorak keys for normal WASD-position,

if there is some demand in that set (see Round 3 main-poll).
  • 4 arrows (cursor keys)
  • FORWARD (FORWRD, or FORTH, or FORW), BACK, LEFT, RIGHT (cursor keys)
  • FIRE and 'arrow up' for POS or Terminal-boards (cursor cross)
There is an orange geekhack key in the picture but none mentioned in the listing. Can we have one please? Thanks ;)
Filco Majestouch FKBN88M/UKB2
Topre Realforce 91UBY
Razer Imperator + Razer Vespula[/COLOR]

Offline Kairxa

  • Posts: 163
Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #25 on: Thu, 23 December 2010, 10:04:47 »
Quote from: Twitchy;267758
There is an orange geekhack key in the picture but none mentioned in the listing. Can we have one please? Thanks ;)

Should be put in both orange kit and orange blank, or HNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

Offline 7bit

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Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #26 on: Thu, 23 December 2010, 10:14:43 »
Quote from: Twitchy;267758
There is an orange geekhack key in the picture but none mentioned in the listing. Can we have one please? Thanks ;)


Quote from: Kairxa;267777
Should be put in both orange kit and orange blank, or HNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

But the Geekhack-key is already part of both sets.

In Orange set with white inscription and in Orange Blank set with orange inscription.

Do you want this for the spacebar?
Buy key caps here: Round 5
Buy switches here: CherryMX

Offline wuzle

  • Posts: 53
Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #27 on: Thu, 23 December 2010, 10:20:55 »
Those orange WASD keys going to have the arrows on the front face?  I guess if they were it would get complicated with the Colemak orange keys.

Offline 7bit

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Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #28 on: Thu, 23 December 2010, 11:19:45 »
Quote from: wuzle;267786
Those orange WASD keys going to have the arrows on the front face?  I guess if they were it would get complicated with the Colemak orange keys.

Sorry, no pad-printing this time. The WASD-keys of Round 1 had no pad-printing, too.

A true gamer should know what key to press. Do you look at the gas or brake pedals in your car?
« Last Edit: Thu, 23 December 2010, 11:27:20 by 7bit »
Buy key caps here: Round 5
Buy switches here: CherryMX

Offline 7bit

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Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #29 on: Thu, 23 December 2010, 11:25:40 »
Quote from: db_Iodine;267741
I used two paper clips held by a Leatherman to pull my stabilized keys. Works like a charm.

I've got a personal question about your avatar:

Is that a German soldier from WWII,
dying in an attempt of chewing up Bibendum?
Buy key caps here: Round 5
Buy switches here: CherryMX

Offline Ekaros

  • Posts: 942
Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #30 on: Thu, 23 December 2010, 11:35:41 »
Quote from: 7bit;267824
I've got a personal question about your avatar:

Show Image

Is that a German soldier from WWII,
dying in an attempt of chewing up Bibendum?

Nah, I think it's post WW2 nazi-vampire...
So I should add something useless here yes? Ok, ok...
Filco 105-key NKRO MX Browns Sw/Fi-layout|IBM Model M 1394545 Lexmark 102-key Finnish-layout 1994-03-22|Cherry G80-3000LQCDE-2 with MX CLEAR
Dell AT102W(105-key SF) (Black ALPS)|Steelseries Steelkeys 6G(MX Black) ISO-FI-layout|Cherry G84-4400 G84-4700 Cherry MLs

Offline Twitchy

  • Posts: 238
Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #31 on: Thu, 23 December 2010, 11:46:48 »
Quote from: Ekaros;267833
Nah, I think it's post WW2 nazi-vampire...

I don't know what it is but it looks like something drawn by Kev O'Neill.
Filco Majestouch FKBN88M/UKB2
Topre Realforce 91UBY
Razer Imperator + Razer Vespula[/COLOR]

Offline Ekaros

  • Posts: 942
Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #32 on: Thu, 23 December 2010, 12:13:14 »
Quote from: Twitchy;267841
I don't know what it is but it looks like something drawn by Kev O'Neill.
Manga to be exact...
So I should add something useless here yes? Ok, ok...
Filco 105-key NKRO MX Browns Sw/Fi-layout|IBM Model M 1394545 Lexmark 102-key Finnish-layout 1994-03-22|Cherry G80-3000LQCDE-2 with MX CLEAR
Dell AT102W(105-key SF) (Black ALPS)|Steelseries Steelkeys 6G(MX Black) ISO-FI-layout|Cherry G84-4400 G84-4700 Cherry MLs

Offline Hofy

  • Posts: 117
  • Location: Sunnyvale Trailer Park
  • Voids Warranties
Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #33 on: Fri, 24 December 2010, 06:37:02 »
7bit, could you add who voted to your list?  That way we know if our vote has been counted, also for those of us with Alzheimers and Parteimers.
Poker II Cherry MX Blue
Filco TenKeyless Zero Fukka
Cherry ML4100
IBM Model M 1391401 Buckle Spring Luvin

Offline iMav

  • geekhack creator/founder
  • Location: Valley City, ND
  • "Τα εργαλεία σας είναι σημαντικά."
Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #34 on: Fri, 24 December 2010, 09:53:41 »
Has there been any decision on whether Leopold space bars will be accommodated?

Offline runeazn

  • Posts: 276
Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #35 on: Fri, 24 December 2010, 16:14:48 »
How much is shippign to the Netherlands?
Kami Ducky 1087 of Heaven

Offline seung

  • Posts: 21
Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #36 on: Sat, 25 December 2010, 00:55:14 »
What is the last day to get the order in? I'm short on cash at the moment, but am definitely interested.

Offline 7bit

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Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #37 on: Sat, 25 December 2010, 06:07:37 »
Quote from: Hofy;268232
7bit, could you add who voted to your list?  That way we know if our vote has been counted, also for those of us with Alzheimers and Parteimers.

I thought out an idea how to solve that problem:

EMAIL user@localhost

just send 7bit_vote a message containing this line. I can set up a cron job which runs my little script to evaluate your messages and send an email to those who gave me their e-mail address.

That mail would contain the current statistic plus your votes.

Email addresses must contain one address only.
Characters which are allowed are:

dash, underscore, dot, A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, and only one @-sign.

Nothing like èçæäùôå÷ã*´³ñµ¶ô*î´³÷*·õ¶êùæ will be allowed!

Hope this helps with your Alzheimer.

ps: thought you where younger.

Quote from: iMav;268283
Has there been any decision on whether Leopold space bars will be accommodated?

I'm awainting the exact measures from sixty.

Quote from: runeazn;268421
How much is shippign to the Netherlands?

Are you webwit in disguise by any chance?

However, shipping will most presumably not more than Round 1.

Quote from: seung;268546
What is the last day to get the order in? I'm short on cash at the moment, but am definitely interested.

Just vote for now. You can change yoiur vote at any time, just send a new message with different values. If you want to clear all your votes, just send a message containing:


Money collection will begin somewhere in January.
« Last Edit: Sat, 25 December 2010, 06:12:26 by 7bit »
Buy key caps here: Round 5
Buy switches here: CherryMX

Offline runeazn

  • Posts: 276
Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #38 on: Sat, 25 December 2010, 07:14:31 »
nope i am not webwit in disguise,
i only have 1 mech keyboard :( *sniff*
So how much is it?
I don't know the shipping costs of round 1

oh wait you live in berlin?
that germany

germany>Netherland shipping is cheap YAY :)

black blank keys, mind to tell me whats so DOUBLE SHOTTY about it XD?
You buy double shots becuz the text wont fade as fast, but what about blank ones haha XD?
« Last Edit: Sat, 25 December 2010, 07:18:01 by runeazn »
Kami Ducky 1087 of Heaven

Offline wulax

  • Posts: 28
Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #39 on: Sat, 25 December 2010, 10:05:12 »
I'm very interested in getting the STANDARD and NORDIC kits for a Swedish Filco. However, if it turns out not enough people vote for you to make the Nordic kit I am under no obligation to order just the Standard kit from you, correct? I don't want an incomplete set.

Offline 7bit

  • Posts: 3629
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Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #40 on: Sat, 25 December 2010, 10:36:31 »
Quote from: runeazn;268618
nope i am not webwit in disguise,
i only have 1 mech keyboard :( *sniff*
So how much is it?
I don't know the shipping costs of round 1

oh wait you live in berlin?
that germany

germany>Netherland shipping is cheap YAY :)

black blank keys, mind to tell me whats so DOUBLE SHOTTY about it XD?
You buy double shots becuz the text wont fade as fast, but what about blank ones haha XD?

Berlin, Germany? Nope!

I don't know why everybody thinks that.

"Berlin, DE" means Berlin, Delaware, USA.  :usa2:

Shipping will be $14 for most places outside the US, $12 co Canada and mexico and $5 within US, if USPS don't raise their prices.

ps: some folks wanted blanks, so these where incuded. I did not yet get a response from SP if they will be any cheaper than double shots.

Quote from: wulax;268674
I'm very interested in getting the STANDARD and NORDIC kits for a Swedish Filco. However, if it turns out not enough people vote for you to make the Nordic kit I am under no obligation to order just the Standard kit from you, correct? I don't want an incomplete set.

Just send your vote. You can change it at any time. When everything is settled, I will sned everybody a note what the voted for and if they like to order that for the then current prices. You can then change your vote to whatever you want actually to order. This will happen most presumably in January 2011.

PS: script parses email adresses, right now.
Just need to write that other script to send off those spam mails ....
« Last Edit: Sat, 25 December 2010, 10:58:49 by 7bit »
Buy key caps here: Round 5
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Offline qbert

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My order
« Reply #41 on: Sat, 25 December 2010, 14:13:23 »
Fr 1
orangeblankmod 1
orangeblankret 1

Offline nathanscribe

  • Posts: 171
Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #42 on: Sat, 25 December 2010, 16:38:15 »
Quote from: 7bit;268687
Berlin, Germany? Nope!

I don't know why everybody thinks that.

"Berlin, DE" means Berlin, Delaware, USA.

Really?  Ha.  I thought you were in Germany too.  DE=Deutschland in the European brain.
Conquering the world with BASIC since 1982

Offline 7bit

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Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #43 on: Sat, 25 December 2010, 16:56:39 »
Quote from: nathanscribe;268813
Really?  Ha.  I thought you were in Germany too.  DE=Deutschland in the European brain.

Right, I just made fun of the fact, that there are a lot of cities in the US which are called Berlin. DE is the state-code of Delaware. If there where a place called Berlin in the state of Delaware, my location would be ambiguous.

Quote from: runeazn;268618
oh wait you live in berlin?
that germany

germany>Netherland shipping is cheap YAY :)

Nope, shipping will be from the US.

Quote from: qbert;268762
Fr 1
orangeblankmod 1
orangeblankret 1

Please send a message to 7bit_vote with the following content:
FR 1
« Last Edit: Sat, 25 December 2010, 17:04:15 by 7bit »
Buy key caps here: Round 5
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Offline Ekaros

  • Posts: 942
Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #44 on: Sat, 25 December 2010, 18:30:39 »
Quote from: nathanscribe;268813
Really?  Ha.  I thought you were in Germany too.  DE=Deutschland in the European brain.

Yep, Berlin US-DE is would be the right form... Just liking mixing country and language codes up...
So I should add something useless here yes? Ok, ok...
Filco 105-key NKRO MX Browns Sw/Fi-layout|IBM Model M 1394545 Lexmark 102-key Finnish-layout 1994-03-22|Cherry G80-3000LQCDE-2 with MX CLEAR
Dell AT102W(105-key SF) (Black ALPS)|Steelseries Steelkeys 6G(MX Black) ISO-FI-layout|Cherry G84-4400 G84-4700 Cherry MLs

Offline runeazn

  • Posts: 276
Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #45 on: Sun, 26 December 2010, 02:34:09 »
Quote from: Ekaros;268858
Yep, Berlin US-DE is would be the right form... Just liking mixing country and language codes up...

this to help further misunderstandings.

So, i am going to pay 12$ for a shipping and 5$ for itself..
wow, i don't think i need it then, ill buy a Razer blackwidow if i just save for 2 weeks
Kami Ducky 1087 of Heaven

Offline 7bit

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Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #46 on: Sun, 26 December 2010, 06:53:32 »
Quote from: runeazn;268950
this to help further misunderstandings.

So, i am going to pay 12$ for a shipping and 5$ for itself..
wow, i don't think i need it then, ill buy a Razer blackwidow if i just save for 2 weeks

Shipping costs will not be cheaper than in the last round, sorry.

Maybe you find someone in Holland who can forward your few keycaps to you.

Shipping all EU-orders to me, would cost import duty. As I understand, the limit is 150 EUR per package. If someone orders keycaps for $100, 2% import tax will raise the price to $102, then there are 19% VAT added: $121.38 .

Please notice that I did not consider any shipping costs!

The same package could be sent directly at $114 including shipping.

Even if we would ship from Luxemburg (15% VAT), it would still be more expansive!

I hope this was helpful.
« Last Edit: Sun, 26 December 2010, 06:58:03 by 7bit »
Buy key caps here: Round 5
Buy switches here: CherryMX

Offline Ekaros

  • Posts: 942
Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #47 on: Sun, 26 December 2010, 09:08:23 »
Quote from: 7bit;268998
Shipping costs will not be cheaper than in the last round, sorry.

Maybe you find someone in Holland who can forward your few keycaps to you.

Shipping all EU-orders to me, would cost import duty. As I understand, the limit is 150 EUR per package. If someone orders keycaps for $100, 2% import tax will raise the price to $102, then there are 19% VAT added: $121.38 .

Please notice that I did not consider any shipping costs!

The same package could be sent directly at $114 including shipping.

Even if we would ship from Luxemburg (15% VAT), it would still be more expansive!

I hope this was helpful.

On other hand what is cost of few pieces of plastic junk? 1 cnt each? ;D
So I should add something useless here yes? Ok, ok...
Filco 105-key NKRO MX Browns Sw/Fi-layout|IBM Model M 1394545 Lexmark 102-key Finnish-layout 1994-03-22|Cherry G80-3000LQCDE-2 with MX CLEAR
Dell AT102W(105-key SF) (Black ALPS)|Steelseries Steelkeys 6G(MX Black) ISO-FI-layout|Cherry G84-4400 G84-4700 Cherry MLs

Offline runeazn

  • Posts: 276
Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #48 on: Sun, 26 December 2010, 10:45:46 »
Quote from: 7bit;268998
Shipping costs will not be cheaper than in the last round, sorry.

Maybe you find someone in Holland who can forward your few keycaps to you.

Shipping all EU-orders to me, would cost import duty. As I understand, the limit is 150 EUR per package. If someone orders keycaps for $100, 2% import tax will raise the price to $102, then there are 19% VAT added: $121.38 .

Please notice that I did not consider any shipping costs!

The same package could be sent directly at $114 including shipping.

Even if we would ship from Luxemburg (15% VAT), it would still be more expansive!

I hope this was helpful.

import limit is 30$ including shipping! 25 euro including shipping.
or you write low value and if they get lost you get refunded almost to nothing..
Kami Ducky 1087 of Heaven

Offline wuzle

  • Posts: 53
Double shot replacements ROUND THREE: Vote for Kits & Quantities!
« Reply #49 on: Sun, 26 December 2010, 11:15:00 »
What about an orange ESCAPE key in the orange kit? In addition to the orange GEEK HACK escape key.