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Offline damorgue

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[WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« on: Sat, 21 July 2012, 10:39:59 »
Hi, this is my WTS/WTT/WTB thread which I will update over time.

* * * * * WTS * * * * *

Ducky - Year of the Dragon LE. MX Red with purple leds.
I was just interested in the light functionality but I lost interest fairly quickly. I did not like the colour of the leds either, I found them to be too pink for my taste.

(Not my picture)

Tipro MID-AM-KM096A-009
Nonstaggered layout, with modular card reader which can be attached if one wants to. 12*8 matrix, fully programmable, MX Black, relegendable caps, some of come with relegendable numpad tops. A few caps are missing or have small cracks in the transparent lid. One side piece is missing since the cardreader is supposed to go there and attach to the side. Comes with a PS/2 to PS/2 cable.

RETRO/SE set from7bit's Round 4.
This is the Swedish/Finnish addon for the colour labeled RETRO in that group buy.

GH60 ISO125 kit
Once the GB goes through I'l put it up for sale as I only need one.

Belkin "Blue Cube"
A fairly popular PS/2 converter which works with most boards. I bought some extra a long time ago but Soarer's converter seems to fulfill my needs. I am selling two. One is new in sealed packaging, another is opened and used and the third has been cast in polyester to make it smaller than the original casing(SOLD the modded one). The original casing is sort of bulky and prevents it from being used with certain USB slots, or at least blocks nearby ones.

* * * * * WTB  * * * * *

Any doubleshot or dyesubbed sets or keyboards with Swedish, Nordic or Scandinavian legends.

Norwegian Skidata set.

(Not my picture)

German sets or keyboards of Cherry doubleshots or dyesubs, in particular these four caps:

Windowed stepped Cherry caps lock in both White-on-Black & Black-on-White(beige)

(Not my picture)

Windowed Cherry profile caps in general.

SPH base sets from Round4, either one of the TKL sets or one of the Fullsized

PBT ISO caps, preferably without legends, but engraved or similar not very visible legends will do. G80-3000LSCXX-0 would be perfect. Ducky will launch these products in a month... YAY. Edit: Nope, they didn't apparently.

Genovation 682, keypad, preferably the model in black and with the black relegendable caps and one windowed cap that comes with it, but I can deal with it if not.

Matias Tactile Pro sort of always interested me.

Still a bit hesitant but probably interested in a couple of BS and Beamspring boards:
IBM Model F, semi-interest, preferably with swedish layout if it exists and in nice condition.
IBM Model M2, with scandinavian layout and in nice condition. I sold mine and regret it.
Beamspring, something with beamspring as I have never tried them and am curious as to how they feel.

EU preferred but not necessary, it just gives the deals a certain disadvantage is all
« Last Edit: Fri, 25 July 2014, 02:38:31 by damorgue »

Offline damorgue

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Re: [WTB] Phantom parts, Filco, PLU ML-87, PBT caps +more
« Reply #1 on: Sun, 22 July 2012, 12:12:45 »
Prove to me that the classified section works for WTB posts too and that it is not just for people trying to sell things.

I know you are all hoarding stuff, grab this opportunity to get rid of some of it and get room for more stuff.

Offline dirge

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Re: [WTB] Phantom parts, Filco, PLU ML-87, PBT caps +more
« Reply #2 on: Sun, 22 July 2012, 13:40:24 »
Cheap ISO board to convert, look for a wyse. They come up often.

Don't want to dash hopes or anything but you'll need to wait a little while for phantom parts, they've not shipped yet, but there will be a sale of leftovers so keep an eye out.

Pbt ISO, not much out there. If I was doing it I'd get a lazered set and have qwerkeys engrave and infill them.
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Offline damorgue

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Re: [WTB] Phantom parts, Filco, PLU ML-87, PBT caps +more
« Reply #3 on: Sun, 22 July 2012, 16:57:48 »
Cheap ISO board to convert, look for a wyse. They come up often.

Don't want to dash hopes or anything but you'll need to wait a little while for phantom parts, they've not shipped yet, but there will be a sale of leftovers so keep an eye out.

Pbt ISO, not much out there. If I was doing it I'd get a lazered set and have qwerkeys engrave and infill them.

I have realized that, but I have managed to scrape together some parts for the phantom so it is not impossible at least. I'll keep trying for now.

Thx for the tip on Wyse.

Offline damorgue

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Re: [WTB] Phantom parts, Filco, PLU ML-87, PBT caps +more
« Reply #4 on: Sun, 22 July 2012, 18:21:32 »
I know very little about wyse. I want the 900866-02  I suppose? Have they only made that few models? It does seem to have a plate which will make it quite a bit harder to cut as well.

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Re: [WTB] Phantom parts, Filco, PLU ML-87, PBT caps +more
« Reply #5 on: Mon, 23 July 2012, 05:39:39 »
Actually the wyse may not be the best contender, chopping the board that much would make it impossible.  Better to wait for Prinsvallium's next project really.  He's been talking about making a board that can be chopped into any size.
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Offline damorgue

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Re: [WTB] Phantom parts, Filco, PLU ML-87, PBT caps +more
« Reply #6 on: Wed, 25 July 2012, 04:36:16 »
I think I have found my H. And I have proposed a counteroffer to F.

No one has given me any offers on the other items, so take your chance and be the first!

Edit: I also added item I.

Offline damorgue

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Re: [WTB] Phantom parts, Filco, PLU ML-87, PBT caps +more
« Reply #7 on: Wed, 25 July 2012, 12:01:04 »
I think I have found my H. And I have proposed a counteroffer to F.

In case I fail to mod the board that I will buy, I am still interested in offers on item H.

The offer I had for F wanted $40 extra just for ergoclears on the numpad. So I am still interested in case someone else has a numpad they want to sell.

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Re: [WTB] Phantom parts, Filco, PLU ML-87, PBT caps +more
« Reply #8 on: Thu, 26 July 2012, 13:14:57 »
$40?! Was that just for the desoldering, swapping, and resoldering?! I would do a numpad for $10! But shipping from sweden and back would be the killer... Why are you in list 1 and 2 for the G80-3700 by the way? And have you gotten a compatible spacebar for the stabilizers I sold you yet?
Reaper "frelled" me... Twice... Did he "frell" you too?... *brohug*
I'm camping for a week, and moving twice in a month. I'll get back to you when I can (If I don't then just send me another PM).

Offline harrison

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Re: [WTB] Phantom parts, Filco, PLU ML-87, PBT caps +more
« Reply #9 on: Thu, 26 July 2012, 14:16:16 »
there were some iso PBT Dyesubs for sale up on DT while back, old cherry ones... might be worth checking to see if they're still available.
[work]ducky tiger dk-9008G2, cherry mx brown|logitech performance mx
[home]corsair k70 LUX RGB, cherry mx brown|logitech G700s

Offline damorgue

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Re: [WTB] Phantom parts, Filco, PLU ML-87, PBT caps +more
« Reply #10 on: Thu, 26 July 2012, 15:06:09 »
$40?! Was that just for the desoldering, swapping, and resoldering?! I would do a numpad for $10! But shipping from sweden and back would be the killer...
It was already converted and he felt as if that increased the price more than I believed it did. Just a difference in opinion, I don't think ergoclears increases the value of a numpad by that much. Especially since I already have many if I wanted to change to them. I got one now from nntnam anyway, so it doesn't matter.

Why are you in list 1 and 2 for the G80-3700 by the way?
I wanted two of them, which is why I was on the list twice. My spot for a second one of those numpads was relinquished so that someone else could have one. It makes it easier for nntnam. I will settle for one, even though I would still like another one.

And have you gotten a compatible spacebar for the stabilizers I sold you yet?
I think I have one in the R4 GB but that will take a while :) I do think I will bend myself a wire and convert that space bar stabilizer to a space bar stabilizer of a different length. I think that if I make it correctly, that stabilizer can double as a leopold version or as a vanilla version.

there were some iso PBT Dyesubs for sale up on DT while back, old cherry ones... might be worth checking to see if they're still available.
I have two iso sets of old cherry dyesubbed pbt's, they are however black on white-ish. I was unaware that cherry made discrete iso pbt caps. Or I didn't explain what I wanted clear enough, I was interested in a subleset, either iso pbd without legends (otaku assome call it), or a discrete contrasting colour, like engraved or black on greyor something. Since finding iso pbt is quite hard, I am open to any subtle iso pbt set.
If there is such a set I would very much like to hear about it. The only place I have found them is on the G80-3000LSCXX-0, in black or white. I am this close to buying such a board from taobao just for the caps.
« Last Edit: Thu, 26 July 2012, 15:24:27 by damorgue »

Offline damorgue

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Re: [WTB] Phantom parts, Filco, PLU ML-87, PBT caps +more
« Reply #11 on: Thu, 02 August 2012, 19:39:44 »
Updated OP

Offline damorgue

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Re: [WTB] Phantom parts, Filco, PLU ML-87, PBT caps +more
« Reply #12 on: Sat, 18 August 2012, 13:35:20 »
Updated with caps and some changes..

Caps only interest me if there are enough of them, as to not pay $2/ cap and $10/cap in shipping. If you have many, or one of the larger items and could also sell one of the caps, then that would be great. I am not that desperate for them.

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Re: [WTB] Phantom parts, Filco, PLU ML-87, PBT caps +more
« Reply #13 on: Sat, 18 August 2012, 13:50:04 »
for PBT iso have you considered buying a Cherry MX or MY board with lasered caps?  If you can only find ANSI let me know and I will find you the appropriate keys to finish the set in my junk box, even the US versions of the POS boards had ISO enter and I've shot a few of them in the head.  (mine are old school beige)  I think you just need the enter and the backslash/pipe, correct?  Unless you want the short left shift and the extra key over there as well.  I do have a German set of keys that I took the F-key row and arrows from as well.  Using Cherry stuff won't help with your search for a plate though as they are all PCB mounted.
Filco Majestouch-2 with Cherry Corp. doubleshot keys - Leopold Tenkeyless Tactile Force with Wyse doubleshots - Silicon Graphics 9500900 - WASD V1 - IBM Model M 52G9658 - Noppoo Choc Pro with Cherry lasered PBT keycaps - Wyse 900866-01 - Cherry G80-8200LPBUS/07 - Dell AT101W - several Cherry G81s (future doubleshot donors) (order of current preference) (dang I have too many keyboards, I really only need two)

Offline damorgue

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Re: [WTB] Phantom parts, Filco, PLU ML-87, PBT caps +more
« Reply #14 on: Sat, 18 August 2012, 13:54:57 »
for PBT iso have you considered buying a Cherry MX or MY board with lasered caps?  If you can only find ANSI let me know and I will find you the appropriate keys to finish the set in my junk box, even the US versions of the POS boards had ISO enter and I've shot a few of them in the head.  (mine are old school beige)  I think you just need the enter and the backslash/pipe, correct?  Unless you want the short left shift and the extra key over there as well.  I do have a German set of keys that I took the F-key row and arrows from as well.  Using Cherry stuff won't help with your search for a plate though as they are all PCB mounted.

Thanks, but I think what you are thinking of, and what other have already mentioned above are the normal caps which I have several sets of. Lasered ones are not subtle which means clear or engraved. That was solved by ducky anyway.

Edit: Sorry, that wasn't discussed in this thread. Still I am looking for PBT which isn't black one white. You were thinking something like this, right?
« Last Edit: Sat, 18 August 2012, 13:59:49 by damorgue »

Offline N8N

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Re: [WTB] Phantom parts, Filco, PLU ML-87, PBT caps +more
« Reply #15 on: Sat, 18 August 2012, 14:09:17 »
yes, that's exactly the type of board that I have leftovers off of :)  (actually I think some of them may have been space saver G81s, but you get the idea.)
Filco Majestouch-2 with Cherry Corp. doubleshot keys - Leopold Tenkeyless Tactile Force with Wyse doubleshots - Silicon Graphics 9500900 - WASD V1 - IBM Model M 52G9658 - Noppoo Choc Pro with Cherry lasered PBT keycaps - Wyse 900866-01 - Cherry G80-8200LPBUS/07 - Dell AT101W - several Cherry G81s (future doubleshot donors) (order of current preference) (dang I have too many keyboards, I really only need two)

Offline damorgue

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Re: [WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« Reply #16 on: Sun, 26 August 2012, 17:18:03 »
Edit: Thinking of adding a IBM Model M2 since I miss mine ever since I sold it. It even had Swedish layout and all.
« Last Edit: Sun, 26 August 2012, 17:19:54 by damorgue »

Offline IvanIvanovich

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Re: [WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« Reply #17 on: Sun, 26 August 2012, 17:53:26 »
I have an plate you can have for shipping. It's sort of iso... it's really old before there were standards so it has some oddities, but depend on what you want to do it might be interesting. It has sort of a model F style layout with the f keys on the right instead of top. You can have the pcb too if you want for that matter, I have removed the switches. I can post a picture of it later if this sounds of any interest.

Offline damorgue

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Re: [WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« Reply #18 on: Sun, 26 August 2012, 18:02:58 »
Sure, a pic would be great.

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Re: [WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« Reply #19 on: Wed, 29 August 2012, 21:37:17 »
Here is that plate and pcb I was talking about, shipping to Sweden would be $16, sorry the plate is a heavy gauge steel one. Let me know if you do want it.

Offline damorgue

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Re: [WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« Reply #20 on: Thu, 30 August 2012, 03:32:16 »
Did it have a bigass enter? I can't seem to figure out how that enter is supposed to look.

Interesting that they put so many switches rotated 90 degrees. that isn't a problem, but I think it is a bit too far away from ISO for me to easily fix it. It will be hard to find caps for it as well if I don't correct everything.

Thanks for the offer though

I'll probably get some extra plates from the Phantom Mini being discussed.
« Last Edit: Thu, 30 August 2012, 03:35:05 by damorgue »

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Re: [WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« Reply #21 on: Thu, 30 August 2012, 08:22:11 »
It has all the right placements for ISO layout except the enter is not a standard ISO one, you would need one like this:

Layout on this board is somewhat similar.

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Re: [WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« Reply #22 on: Thu, 30 August 2012, 08:51:04 »
I appreciate the offer but the layout is a bit too non-standard for me to base my build on. The intention was to make a 70% ISO board.

If I manage to get a couple of extra plates from the upcoming custom, I will remove that item from my wanted list.

Offline damorgue

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Re: [WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« Reply #23 on: Wed, 03 October 2012, 15:58:47 »
RA2 kit re-added since lootbag has disappeared with the red alerts I was supposed to get.
Oil/Grease added since [IC] thread hasn't come to anything and doesn't seem to be active anymore. RO-59 or Krytox GPL103 based on recommendations.
« Last Edit: Wed, 03 October 2012, 16:02:53 by damorgue »

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Re: [WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« Reply #24 on: Tue, 03 September 2013, 13:25:32 »
Ergodox set is likely sold. Man, I need to update a bunch of stuff in OP.

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Re: [WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« Reply #25 on: Wed, 09 October 2013, 11:21:04 »
Removed some items which have been sold. Added 580 3GB since I saw someone else trying to sell a GPU.

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Re: [WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« Reply #26 on: Fri, 15 November 2013, 16:01:13 »
Found a 580 3GB and removed it from the list. I added a scrolling mechanism which I am looking for to use in a project of mine.

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Re: [WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« Reply #27 on: Fri, 15 November 2013, 16:10:45 »
How much for G80-8200LPDUS with clears without caps?

And how much for beast tools?

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Re: [WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« Reply #28 on: Fri, 15 November 2013, 18:12:13 »
I'll take the switch opening tool that you got from TheBeast! Been looking for one of these for a while...PM'd :)

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Re: [WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« Reply #29 on: Mon, 25 November 2013, 23:57:37 »
Can I get pics of the tipro?

Offline damorgue

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Re: [WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« Reply #30 on: Thu, 02 January 2014, 18:16:35 »
Can I get pics of the tipro?

Pics of a bunch of stuff added, more will come.

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Re: [WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« Reply #31 on: Thu, 02 January 2014, 20:04:01 »
I will take the beast switch tool. I will pm you with my details once I put the baby down.  Thx...

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[WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« Reply #32 on: Thu, 02 January 2014, 20:06:13 »
I will take the beast switch tool. I will pm you with my details once I put the baby down.  Thx...

God damn. I missed another one. I have 300 switches to sticker and lube. :(

I am too slow because RL gets in the way and I am stuck under a baby.
« Last Edit: Thu, 02 January 2014, 20:10:25 by swill »

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Re: [WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« Reply #33 on: Thu, 02 January 2014, 20:11:07 »
I will take the beast switch tool. I will pm you with my details once I put the baby down.  Thx...

God damn. I missed another one. I have 300 switches to sticker and lube. :(

I am too slow because RL gets in the way and I am stuck under a baby.

how did it take that long to sell them? He's had these for sale for quite a long time now.

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Re: [WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« Reply #34 on: Thu, 02 January 2014, 20:14:12 »
I will take the beast switch tool. I will pm you with my details once I put the baby down.  Thx...

God damn. I missed another one. I have 300 switches to sticker and lube. :(

I am too slow because RL gets in the way and I am stuck under a baby.

how did it take that long to sell them? He's had these for sale for quite a long time now.

The search function at GH is well, lacking to say the least, and I tend not to bump threads for the sake of bumping. Also, I have had several.

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Re: [WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« Reply #35 on: Thu, 02 January 2014, 20:15:40 »

I will take the beast switch tool. I will pm you with my details once I put the baby down.  Thx...

God damn. I missed another one. I have 300 switches to sticker and lube. :(

I am too slow because RL gets in the way and I am stuck under a baby.

how did it take that long to sell them? He's had these for sale for quite a long time now.

I don't troll the classifieds. Someone who knew I was looking for a set pm'ed me with a link to here tonight.

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Re: [WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« Reply #36 on: Thu, 02 January 2014, 20:16:03 »
I will take the beast switch tool. I will pm you with my details once I put the baby down.  Thx...

God damn. I missed another one. I have 300 switches to sticker and lube. :(

I am too slow because RL gets in the way and I am stuck under a baby.

how did it take that long to sell them? He's had these for sale for quite a long time now.

The search function at GH is well, lacking to say the least, and I tend not to bump threads for the sake of bumping. Also, I have had several.

Oh. How many did you have? These are pretty hot items :p

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Re: [WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« Reply #37 on: Thu, 02 January 2014, 20:16:04 »
I will take the beast switch tool. I will pm you with my details once I put the baby down.  Thx...

God damn. I missed another one. I have 300 switches to sticker and lube. :(

I am too slow because RL gets in the way and I am stuck under a baby.

how did it take that long to sell them? He's had these for sale for quite a long time now.

You know he updated his thread today right?

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Re: [WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« Reply #38 on: Thu, 02 January 2014, 20:16:39 »
I will take the beast switch tool. I will pm you with my details once I put the baby down.  Thx...

God damn. I missed another one. I have 300 switches to sticker and lube. :(

I am too slow because RL gets in the way and I am stuck under a baby.

how did it take that long to sell them? He's had these for sale for quite a long time now.

You know he updated his thread today right?

read up. The tools have been there a while, I even commented asking about them but shipping killed it

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Re: [WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« Reply #39 on: Thu, 02 January 2014, 20:17:41 »

I will take the beast switch tool. I will pm you with my details once I put the baby down.  Thx...

God damn. I missed another one. I have 300 switches to sticker and lube. :(

I am too slow because RL gets in the way and I am stuck under a baby.

how did it take that long to sell them? He's had these for sale for quite a long time now.

I don't troll the classifieds. Someone who knew I was looking for a set pm'ed me with a link to here tonight.

I don't either. I'm just online a lot and see these threads when they get bumped either by OP or someone else

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Re: [WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« Reply #40 on: Thu, 02 January 2014, 20:18:34 »

I will take the beast switch tool. I will pm you with my details once I put the baby down.  Thx...

God damn. I missed another one. I have 300 switches to sticker and lube. :(

I am too slow because RL gets in the way and I am stuck under a baby.

how did it take that long to sell them? He's had these for sale for quite a long time now.

The search function at GH is well, lacking to say the least, and I tend not to bump threads for the sake of bumping. Also, I have had several.

Do you still have a set available I can buy?  I realize they are in the op and the previous person replied on the 15th of last month.

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Re: [WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« Reply #41 on: Fri, 03 January 2014, 07:00:19 »

Offline dragonxx21

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Re: [WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« Reply #42 on: Fri, 03 January 2014, 07:34:21 »
FFS, people always beat me to the switch tools ~_~ put me on the list if everyone else decides to cancel.
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Re: [WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« Reply #43 on: Fri, 03 January 2014, 13:58:18 »
Uh... are there any like... you know, prices?
Gotta collect them all

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Re: [WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« Reply #44 on: Fri, 03 January 2014, 14:18:48 »
ye, looking for the price for the keyset and beast tool.

All those keyboards will be lost in time....

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Re: [WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« Reply #45 on: Fri, 03 January 2014, 14:51:40 »
Uh... are there any like... you know, prices?

Items which are new and unused from GBs, such as the round3/retro caps, switch tools and GH60, are sold for what I for them in their respective GBs.

The other items don't have obvious prices. I am too lazy to research their value. Make me an offer for them and I'll consider it.

Edit: The switch tool has gotten some crazy interest, I might be inclined to sell yet another as I don't use mine much, but for now, consider them all sold.

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Re: [WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« Reply #46 on: Fri, 03 January 2014, 16:07:08 »
I would buy a set of the switch tools in a heart beat if you decide to sell more.

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Re: [WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« Reply #47 on: Fri, 03 January 2014, 16:21:34 »
For everyone else looking for a switch tool.  There is an IC going on here right now:

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Re: [WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« Reply #48 on: Fri, 03 January 2014, 18:29:03 »
I'll take that GH60 off your hands once you get it...

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Re: [WTS/WTT/WTB] damorgue's buy n' sell thread
« Reply #49 on: Sun, 09 February 2014, 04:43:02 »
So, turns out both the GH60 I have on the way are ISO. Sorry about that. There will still be one for sale but either an ISO125 or ISO universal. Some other items removed and a few new one added.