Hello gentle people coming to read, I am Fire Brand and I am looking to procure some items first time doing this so I'm not 100% with what I should say or do but lets go on anyway, also to note if possible to avoid customs fees I would like things from within the UK or EU if possible but if you're not from those place still let me know
To be added at a later date.
65 ~ ish Cherry MX Black switches ~ Many thanks to whiskytango for helping me get those
Hyper Fuse tsangan Kit DCS ~ Hyper Got Thanks to Bunny for this

~ need to figure out these show for more tags
GirlDC Unicorn Gundam/Banshee ~ Would really like to get one of these if anyone has one that's not loved as much I would happily get it from you

~ Gundam Get thanks to (Insert name)
Tex Acrylic Mass drop case ~ Went back on massdrop thanks to the person telling me ~ cribbit
MKC Nerv Keycap ~ looking to get the MKC Nerv zinc keycap, hopefully someone has one they are willing to sell

~ Many thanks to TheAngleOfDeath
Clear Switch covers 68 ~ If possible and if someone happens to have a few lying around I would like to pick them up, even if you just have a few let me know trying to find them closer to the group buy pricing but let me know ~ Got from Techkeys thanks techkeys
Keypop.net Heart Enter key ~ looking to get hold of the heart enter key if possible as I would love one <3 - Keypop put them back in stock love you keypop <3
QFR ANSI plate thanks to a lovely geekhacker even came with the pcb O:
American to buy me something details inside as its confusing as heck

~ Air Tree was bought slightly used but overall happy with him <3
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Mad-Catz-Titanfall-RAT-3-Gaming-Mouse-PC-and-Mac-/161709320609?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item25a6a069a1Traded a Erupted Bro v2 MX for a Starcluster V2 MX <3
Unicorn Blood Brobot AKA Pixiedust~ Going to give it a shot although I only know of one in the wild, basically I would really like this as when the ice bro was first show I said you should add glitter to that, and a few days later Unicorn blood was shown, now I'm not saying I influenced that but I totally did, although it was not named Pixiedust Bro :I Never got hold of one though, would just like to get hold of it as I feel I had some minor part in its creation, if someone has the original Unicorn blood (Clear Ice with glitter) I would be very, VERY interested in getting it hopefully someone out there is kind enough
~ Firebort
Sold Hyper Fuse Hyper Fuse DCS Base Kit + ISO + Number Pad + Tsngan kit (Please note this is missing the Geekhack keys from it) Very good condition near to no shine if any at all, myself I cannot tell but just wanted to make people sure, asking for around $110 + shipping but please do offer a price as well also note shipping in the UK will be included no extra cost, anything else will be roughly around £10-£20

White POM Full keyset with ISO NEVER USED BAR TESTING FOR LESS THAN 10MINS ~ Looking to now sell this keyset as I am getting rid of most of my keycaps and things, Asking for $85 + shipping and again shipping in the UK will be £3ish (Hermes) outside will be around £10-£20 (I expect it to be £14ish as a singel keycap is £8 tracked)

Note the keyboard and Keypad shown are not included they are just what the keyset is currently resting on as I didn't want to remove them, also these are not in use so the sets are not being used everything sold is show, hopefully this is fine for classifieds

Frozen Core v2.5
Want it please, I'll do my QQ rant, only put this on my email didn't win, but you can help me win and get me this, offering the reward of a Scotopic Topre clack factory keycap for the frozen core, let me know I kinda want one of these ^^
![[WTB] JTK white on pink, the one with the flower space bar 156040-0](https://geekhack.org/index.php?PHPSESSID=5fvoechn2a5451hrhb5nm45eal47k0kj&action=dlattach;topic=58034.0;attach=156040;image)
~ managed a three way with Marshal and someone else I forgot . _.
Topre 3D Click Clack cluck ~ Looking to trade this for the MX version of this key or another clack, or a Brobot all keys would need to be MX flavour if you wish to trade give me a PM and we can work something out, all trades will be shipped tracked and insured also I only wish to trade with a well known member or one with good feedback, also as a final note if you are coming to me to trade I require you to post first provide proof of said posting and I will post out the next working day and provide the same proof, including all tracking numbers.
Snowmando v2 MX Putting this up for trade to try get my unicorn brobot v2, only looking to get the Unicorn v2 nothing else.

~ Traded to the lovely bunny lake to help him complete his collection of EVERY BRO EVER
Zombro V1 MX ( Pink eyes, Light green teeth, Trans green tongue) ~ As much as I like this is freaks me out even more! lovely little key let me know if you have anything I am looking for also willing to look at offers for something I might now have listed so let me know!

- Traded to Incredigasmic
Pictures ~

Also giving a cookie away with this to sweeten the deal c:
His Butt c: ~
For some reason its flipped the wrong why I don't know why O.o The picture sorted it's self

Note its not that colour but I have a bad phone camera so I can't do that much its almost the same colour as the white SP uses in the black on white mods they sell, sort of cream looking ~ Follow up I have been told this key should indeed look off white.
Also to note just to be transparent the key has marks around the stem from being removed and put on, and other minor marks under the key, the top seems quite fine along with the sides of the key just thought I would say that.
Thank you for taking the time to read and look through my post, hope you all have a nice time