Author Topic: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL  (Read 6489996 times)

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Offline Incredigasmic

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2550 on: Thu, 24 March 2016, 22:01:39 »

Happy Clackvent!

It's true, nowhere near enough. Also Clackvent is to the right. Juss sayin.
W  -cc  =)
« Last Edit: Sat, 24 September 2016, 19:01:59 by ClackFactory »
"If I married my 6th grade gf I'd be white trash...7th grade I'd be alright" ~ Binge

"Incredi is the foremost master of all things orange" ~ BroCaps

Offline HannahPeach

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2551 on: Thu, 24 March 2016, 22:01:40 »
I can't draw d00d

Can you draw clack?

I can't even draw d00d

-cc  =)
« Last Edit: Sat, 24 September 2016, 19:04:31 by ClackFactory »

Offline hitlu

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2552 on: Thu, 24 March 2016, 22:01:49 »

love this!

W  -cc  =)
« Last Edit: Sat, 24 September 2016, 19:05:13 by ClackFactory »
Colonel or Ogre

Offline asdfjkl36

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2553 on: Thu, 24 March 2016, 22:02:00 »
Imm at Olive Garden

I should have asked them for a pen :|

W -cc  =)
« Last Edit: Sat, 24 September 2016, 19:07:09 by ClackFactory »

Offline Sniping

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2554 on: Thu, 24 March 2016, 22:02:28 »

ngdz    -cc  =)
« Last Edit: Sat, 24 September 2016, 19:08:48 by ClackFactory »

Offline RoastPotatoes

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2555 on: Thu, 24 March 2016, 22:02:36 »

There was no amount of curve that could help this one out. My gnomes have standards (sometimes)
-cc =S
« Last Edit: Sat, 24 September 2016, 19:10:43 by ClackFactory »

Offline WolfTickets

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2556 on: Thu, 24 March 2016, 22:02:50 »

Offline zennasyndroxx

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2557 on: Thu, 24 March 2016, 22:02:55 »
Welp, no food today.

Offline pesky brat

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2558 on: Thu, 24 March 2016, 22:03:07 »
Made some food to go with it :P

My brother did the rustler

EDIT: rotated photo

W  -cc  =)
« Last Edit: Sat, 24 September 2016, 19:12:24 by ClackFactory »

Offline FoC_Tow

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2559 on: Thu, 24 March 2016, 22:04:15 »

420 Clackvent Napkin


W  -cc  =)   many lulz!
« Last Edit: Sat, 24 September 2016, 19:16:21 by ClackFactory »

Offline ClackFactory

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2560 on: Thu, 24 March 2016, 22:12:19 »
These were great, now the wait begins.... again!

I know it sucks, but I'm pressed for time. But that prolly jus means I will be more generous in my pickins.
A.K.A. "clickclack"   Vendor link ->Clack Factory   I've done so much with so little for so long, that I can do almost anything with nothing at all

Offline ClackFactory

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2561 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:10:10 »

Today's key is also $65 and in the T stem flavor.

Die Regeln-

1) What one thing have you ever waited 2-3 years for?
1) What one thing would you work an additional 3,000-5,000 hours for in 2-3 years? (in addition to a full time job)
1) What one thing would give you endless (even if impractical) hope?

Just interested to see what people write, might be fun to see (serious and/or silly). No right answer but if you don't answer all three you don't get a shot at todays win.
I will pick the one(s) that both I and my gnomes like.

In ten minutes (from this post) I will open the thread for ten minutes.

A.K.A. "clickclack"   Vendor link ->Clack Factory   I've done so much with so little for so long, that I can do almost anything with nothing at all

Offline ziptyze

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2562 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:20:25 »
1. duke nukem forever
1. make sure my daughter lives a comfortable life
1. the "press here to open" spot on velveeta shells n' cheese
"we didn't choose the furt life, the furt life chose us"

Offline dohbot

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2563 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:20:26 »
1.   I have waited 2-3 years to see a sloth in person.
2.   I would work an additional 3000-5000 hours to learn how to create computer programs
3.   The glimmer of love and friendship in the eyes of a sloth would give me endless hope.
That GHer who likes sloths... A lot.

Offline appleonama

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2564 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:20:30 »
1) What one thing have you ever waited 2-3 years for?
   too personal to say
1) What one thing would you work an additional 3,000-5,000 hours for in 2-3 years? (in addition to a full time job)
   There is nothing in life I am aiming for at the moment.
1) What one thing would give you endless (even if impractical) hope?
   my life
I'm pretty much a hopeless mess at the moment sorry clackman.

Offline rausse

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2565 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:20:37 »

Offline nathanrosspowell

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2566 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:20:38 »
1) Waited 3 years to start my permanent residency in Canada... I'm a fool.
1) I would/should spend thousands of hours practicing my French.
1) Having kids? It's on the cards in the next few years. Maybe theres hope that they wouldn't be a jackass like a seemingly large percentage of the world. I'd hope that they look after me when I'm a usless old man!

Offline Photekq

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2567 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:20:39 »
1) A Cherry G81-3000SAV or Cherry ESA-3000-HASRO. Seriously. 3.5 years and still looking..
1) A high end CNC mill, a place to put it, and the knowledge required to use it to its full extent
1) Jesús aka demik
discord: hi mum#5710

Offline toxicdrift

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2568 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:20:41 »
1. Football World Cup
2. Toyota Supra
3. World Peace
Realforce 87U

Offline fknraiden

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2569 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:21:00 »
1. I have waited long periods of time for several things, but in recent events, I had a hell of a time getting the money together to build the new computer I wanted. was using the same laptop for 8 years.
2. That amount of time I'd expect in terms of where I'm at now, will probably be at work or whatever income method I see fitting. Aside from that, I don't see that much time being allotted to doing one thing, except sleeping or eating.
3. At some point in my life, I hope to see the day we have evidence for intelligent life on other planets. Even if they were extinct, knowing we aren't alone would give me tons of hope.

can i has topre now pls?

IBM SSK 87'     ReAlForce 55g Silent 10AE

Offline sitch

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2570 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:21:02 »
What one thing have you ever waited 2-3 years for?
Current girlfriend. Waited for almost 2 years post break up with ex-girlfriend, heartbroken as f as she was my first, f up my academic studies and had phobia to get involved in a relationship, but everything doesn’t matter anymore because I had found the perfect girl in my life 

What one thing would you work an additional 3,000-5,000 hours for in 2-3 years? (in addition to a full time job)
Specialization in surgical field. I’m a final year medical student, going to graduate in 6 more months and have tremendous interest in surgery, definitely would work hard for it. ( Studies + full time residency )

What one thing would give you endless (even if impractical) hope?
Patient saying thank you to hospital staffs before leaving the hospital, with a smile on their face 

Offline luminor

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2571 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:21:03 »

I worked hard for 4 years for the wedding and finally i get my other half few months ago

Offline cooldiscretion

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2572 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:21:05 »
1. Destiny 2. I'm still waiting for this. I've logged way too many hours playing this game. Which sucks, because it goes against my second item in this list.
2. Making it big. Starting a passive income business that could fund me without having much intervention to free up time to really enjoy life. Travelling, seeing the world, and perfecting new hobbies. Oh, and a Lamborghini.
3. Getting a tricolor clack. This has been my dream since I first saw clacks. I keep hope until this day.

Offline Belfong

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CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2573 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:21:06 »
1. The one thing I have waited for years, not just 2-3 years, is for the change of our current corrupt Prime Minister, who is truly sucking the country dry. Under his rules, the economy tanked. Crime rates soared. There's an huge brain drain where people are leaving the country. He raised taxes despite all of this and inflation tripled!

He was recently reported in accepting donation of US$700M from some Saudi Prince (yeah, right!) into his own account (reported by WSJ) but because he owned the judicial and police force, nobody can touch him.

2. I would work additional (3000-5000) hours as part of the opposition team to rally the people to stand up against him. Sadly though, the hold he had on manly states which are ruled by his own crony, is just too strong.

3. Nothing is impossible. We have seen the corrupted leaders in Indonesia being overthrown and recently the PM of Thailand was exiled. So, there's still hope! People's Power!!!!

Edit to put number to paraphrase my thoughts above. No other edits. Edits are allowed, right?

W -cc =)
« Last Edit: Tue, 11 December 2018, 21:56:15 by ClackFactory »

Offline Dongulator

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2574 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:21:07 »
1)My wife
1)My wife
1)My wife

Offline CommonCurt

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2575 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:21:08 »
1) Never waited that long for something.  I always find another alternative
1) My kid
1) Winning the lottery
Some of Ye ole  Keyboards -->
LZ-GH V2:  MX-?62g   |   KMAC2:   62g Tactile MX-Greys   |   LZ CLS s:   62g Vintage MX-Blacks   |   X60:   62g Vintage MX-Blacks   |   GON NerD 60:  62g Old MX-Clears   |   Filco MJ2 (Beige) TKL's:  62g MX-Clears  &   62g Vintage MX-Blacks   |   IBM '91 SSK

Offline R1N3

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2576 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:21:13 »
1) Wrestling state championship as a kid (never got it)

1) Jiu-Jitsu World Championship

1) Performance enhancing drugs

Offline TieuNgu

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2577 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:21:18 »
1) My first love (spoiler: cheated on me twice ;__;)
1) Understand my body, perfecting my daily routine, integrate social and professional life together.
1) Myself after graduating from PhD.

Offline rotciveel

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2578 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:21:18 »
1. I've waited 3 years for my girlfriend and I to be in the same city and now we are getting married in 7 days.
2. I would work an additional 3,000-5,000 hours in the next 2-3 years to be able to permanently double my salary.
3. The support of my fiance.

W -cc =)
« Last Edit: Tue, 11 December 2018, 21:57:56 by ClackFactory »

Offline nubbinator

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2579 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:21:22 »
1.  A tattoo

2.  A home, stupid California

3.  Getting a job offer doing something I actually love.

Alternatively, Sex, for all three answers.

W -cc =)
« Last Edit: Tue, 11 December 2018, 21:58:58 by ClackFactory »

Offline sleepy916

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2580 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:21:24 »
Most of my replies revolve around my family... ^-^

1) What one thing have you ever waited 2-3 years for?
My wife and I were trying for a child for just about that long. We were lucky enough to have my son 1.5 years ago.

2) What one thing would you work an additional 3,000-5,000 hours for in 2-3 years? (in addition to a full time job)
Another child so my son is not an only child. I grew up in a large family and hope he could have a sibling.

3) What one thing would give you endless (even if impractical) hope?
Family, as long as I can come home from long work hours and they are there.

W -cc =)
« Last Edit: Tue, 11 December 2018, 21:59:42 by ClackFactory »

Offline pesky brat

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2581 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:21:27 »
1) Been waiting my whole life to be able to grow a decent beard… still hasn't happened yet

1)Releasing an album or EP that gets some actual success and/or recognition

1)Clackvent win? Na… but then again, maybe?

W -cc =)
« Last Edit: Tue, 11 December 2018, 22:00:34 by ClackFactory »

Offline n0rvig

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2582 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:21:33 »

Offline btctopre

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2583 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:21:50 »
a) revenge
b) the perfect crime
c) getting away with murder

W -cc =)
« Last Edit: Tue, 11 December 2018, 22:01:06 by ClackFactory »

Offline ramnes

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2584 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:21:54 »
1) a clack
1) a clack
1) a clack
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Offline FLFisherman

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2585 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:22:15 »
1) The next Game of Thrones book
1) Nothing yet
1) 37

Offline alexjd99

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2586 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:22:26 »
1) Something I waited 2-3 years for was getting fast at solving Rubik's Cubes. I finally got considered "fast" recently (my average time is around 12 seconds). I've practiced a lot, and I'm pretty glad it finally paid of and I'm one of the "cool kids."

Also, check back in another year, then I can put "winning something in clackvent" as a hopeful answer :))

1) McLaren P1. That's my dream car right there. That or a Porsche 918

1) Something that would give me endless hope? My In-N-Out order. Double Double with grilled onions and no tomatos, animal style fries, and a coke. Seems ridiculous, but nothing is more inspiring than a nice Double Double

Offline WolfTickets

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2587 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:22:40 »
1) I waited 3 years for my wife’s VISA from Germany to get approved.

1) Get back in shape.

1) Winning the lottery.

Offline septamber

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2588 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:22:54 »
1) What one thing have you ever waited 2-3 years for?
Halflife 3 ... RIP  :'(

1) What one thing would you work an additional 3,000-5,000 hours for in 2-3 years? (in addition to a full time job)
Mint white stock toyota supra TT.

1) What one thing would give you endless (even if impractical) hope?

Progress even if minimal.

Offline whmeltonjr

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2589 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:22:58 »
1. Marrying my wife.
2. A new career
3. Clackvent.
« Last Edit: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:26:48 by whmeltonjr »

Offline HoffmanMyster

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2590 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:23:14 »
1. Tattooooo
2. Restore mah Mustang
3. Orgy in da skyyyyyy

Offline Incredigasmic

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2591 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:23:26 »
1) What one thing have you ever waited 2-3 years for? 2-3 years?

 Easy. My daughter. My wife and I were married for near 2 years and went through multiple miscarriages before my little ray of sunshine entered my world. She and my son are the most precious things to me.

1) What one thing would you work an additional 3,000-5,000 hours for in 2-3 years? (in addition to a full time job)!

Also an easy one. I would have absolutely no issue pouring my extra time and effort into learning to play the piano.  It's always been a personal goal of mine, but I've never had the time to practice. :/

1) What one thing would give you endless (even if impractical) hope?

Seeing my daughter and son succeed in life with little to no failures. Knowing that they went forward and seamlessly made a positive impact on this planet would keep my little amount of faith in humanity stirring long enough to see me to my grave.

Damn that got deep quick. XD

Happy Clackvent!
« Last Edit: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:26:13 by Incredigasmic »
"If I married my 6th grade gf I'd be white trash...7th grade I'd be alright" ~ Binge

"Incredi is the foremost master of all things orange" ~ BroCaps

Offline sitch

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2592 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:23:50 »
The one thing I have waited for years, not just 2-3 years, is for the change of our current corrupt Prime Minister, who is truly sucking the country dry. Under his rules, the economy tanked. Crime rates soared. There's an huge brain drain where people are leaving the country. He raised taxes despite all of this and inflation tripled!

He was recently reported in accepting donation of US$700M from some Saudi Prince (yeah, right!) into his own account (reported by WSJ) but because he owned the judicial and police force, nobody can touch him.

I would work additional (3000-5000) hours as part of the opposition team to rally the people to stand up against him. Sadly though, the hold he had on manly states which are ruled by his own crony, is just too strong.

Nothing is impossible. We have seen the corrupted leaders in Indonesia being overthrown and recently the PM of Thailand was exiled. So, there's still hope! People's Power!!!!

ISA coming for you!

Offline atlas3686

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2593 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:23:55 »
My home

Offline nmur

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2594 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:24:11 »
1) a girl
1) learning mandarin to talk with my gf's family
1) obtaining all Realforce colour keysets. essentially impossible I think..

Offline KetchyKech

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2595 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:24:11 »

Today's key is also $65 and in the T stem flavor.

Die Regeln-

1) What one thing have you ever waited 2-3 years for?
1) What one thing would you work an additional 3,000-5,000 hours for in 2-3 years? (in addition to a full time job)
1) What one thing would give you endless (even if impractical) hope?

Just interested to see what people write, might be fun to see (serious and/or silly). No right answer but if you don't answer all three you don't get a shot at todays win.
I will pick the one(s) that both I and my gnomes like.

In ten minutes (from this post) I will open the thread for ten minutes.

1.) a motorcycle
2.) play tennis like the pros
3.) make the renta proud  :thumb:
∴∵∴◇Time TKL--VE.A--F&T 1916--Cajal--Octagon v2◇∴∵∴

Offline Uniwersel

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2596 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:24:30 »
1) A new keyboard, use a blackwidow for 3 or 4 years before finally getting a new board
2) A project car, could easily put that many hours into one and enjoy the whole time (well mostly), probably a BMW e30
3) Same as above, would give me something to look forward to come home to and spend weekends working on.

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2597 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:25:10 »
1) My current job. 2 weeks prior to getting it I received an eviction notice and was about to be homeless. Now I'm making more than I ever have before, am able to pay rent, and actually buy food! Who would've thought?
2) Someday I'll get a car (yeah I'm in my 30s and never had a car, wanna fight about it?)
3) Hope? What's that? There is only The Void. All you can do is succumb.

Offline widdlekitty

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2598 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:25:52 »
I waited 3 whole years for my life to become stable enough to get a dog! I was moving city to city, and living in all sorts of place/work schedules which would have put the poor thing through misery. It was just this past summer I finally found myself in a place that I accomodate the critter.

The next 3-5000 hours over the next few years will be spent training him. The poor guy has seen some pretty bad things, it turns out. Getting comfortable and behaved has been a slow and continuing process.

Hope! He has given my life a whole lot more hope in general. I'm thinking maybe, eventually, another dog would give him a little more happiness.

toggle the dog

Offline raymogi

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Re: CLACKVENT radnelac II Holiday EVIL
« Reply #2599 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 00:25:59 »
1) the arrival if my baby boy. it changes my life for the better.

1) need to get myself a lamborghini aventador or a mclaren P1.

1) my life.
Please feed my addiction.