's address this latest bull****, and explain why I've now escalated to Paypal and I am absolutely not going to return the keyboard or keycaps to beserkfan under any circumstances.
One, I got in touch with Meiosis after he pinged me believing they were possibly his keycaps. I found his name labeled on the bag. I took photos so that he could see I had his keycaps. I then told him that I would pay out of my pocket to ship them to him, because it was CONUS and a very small package. In other words, me being the nice guy that I am, covering beserkfan's ass on this one. I said nothing more than that he should consider filing a claim.
Meiosis' Keycaps: did I offer to do this? Because beserkfan asked me to ship this to a proxy at my expense, at which point he stated he would not send Scarpia his keyboard or a refund. Because he felt, and I quote, "he got too much stuff." Well no **** he got a ton of stuff - he paid a lot of money for it and the shipping. Returning the keyboard to the seller with the knowledge that he is defrauding the purchaser? Especially when I know who the purchaser is? That makes
me a party to the fraud. I could be charged
Here's Scarpia's keyboard, and the keycaps, and somebody's rubber feet: I wanted, simply, is to know where my keyboards that I paid for were and how we would handle Scarpia's issue in a LEGITIMATE, LEGAL fashion. Simple as that. I did not bring up Meiosis because frankly, I don't trust beserkfan would ship those keycaps out either. So again, being the nice guy that I am and as you all saw, I said I would ensure those keycaps got delivered to their proper, legal owner as soon as possible.
If I ship out all of these items, what am I left with? Absolutely nothing. I will not be keeping one single part I received, because none of them are mine. No matter how far you stretch the wording, these items belong to other people. Period. Not only that, but I do not want zinc keycaps or a 60% board. I hate 60%. Do you know what beserkfan wanted me to do in exchange for nothing?
Pay out of my pocket for shipping to an unverified proxy in the US. Where he would not ship the items to the purchasers, nor would he refund the purchasers. And if I didn't do that, he threatened to insist I ship it to Singapore - at a cost of more than $100. Out of pocket. So yes, he was demanding I pay $100 for the princely reward of
absolutely ****ing nothing!!That's not how it works. And yes, I see now that Paypal ****ed up and marked it as Damaged. That is not how I filed it. I filed it as "WRONG ITEM" but apparently the site didn't take. Since I had no visibility into that, I had no idea. I've asked Paypal to correct it as part of the escalation. Nothing in the package was damaged, everything was well packed, and everything is still safe.
As it is, even if I reverse the charges, this is going to cost me money. Period. I have keycaps that need to go to their legal owner. I have a keyboard that somehow has to go to ****ing Sweden. This is not how I want to spend my weekend. It is not even in the same universe as what I want to be doing. Dealing with the angsty ragequitting BS from someone who refuses to accept responsibility for errors he already admitted he made? I do that enough at work. I have not one single desire to do it here.
and no beserkfan didn't send what he said to me. He sent nothing at all. My last PM from him was May 13th; my last Paypal communication was me telling him that expecting me to eat $100 in shipping and be a party to fraud was not an acceptable solution. All I wanted was for him to do something so very, stupidly, ridiculously reasonable: find out who has my keyboards and arrange correct shipping to me (which will cost less than I paid STILL), and arrange a way for me to get Scarpia and Meiosis their stuff.Which speaks untold volumes about how he is handling this and how he intends to handle it. So now tomorrow, I'm going to have to bloody call Paypal, make sure they fixed the filing, and explain to them that the seller is being completely uncooperative, making absurd demands in violation of Paypal TOS, knows and has already admitted he screwed up, and has publicly stated that not only did he screw up he has no intention of issuing refunds or honoring his financial obligations.
There is literally no word for what he is doing other than criminal fraud. That's what it is, plain and simple. Don't even think of calling it anything else.
And I am now going to drink too much whiskey and go to bed. There are no words for how pissed off and utterly disappointed I am with Gutz. None at all.