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Drink Water

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--- Quote from: LavenderB on Wed, 06 September 2023, 09:51:09 ---I think people only dislike water because they drink sugary beverages all the time, not the other way around. Once you start disliking water it's a self-sustaining cycle, but the initial cause is still the excess of sugary beverages.

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Well it makes sense that it's a learned behavior, it wouldn't have been possible to drink anything besides muddy water most of the time throughout evolution.

If you had even "clean" water back then, that would've been like champagne

My dad won't drink straight water unless its literally his only option. The main thing he drinks is sugar-free flavored water with that flavor powder stuff. I love water though, one of my favorite drinks.


--- Quote from: LavenderB on Wed, 06 September 2023, 09:51:09 ---I think people only dislike water because they drink sugary beverages all the time, not the other way around. Once you start disliking water it's a self-sustaining cycle, but the initial cause is still the excess of sugary beverages.

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I drink almost no sugary beverages but still almost never water.


--- Quote from: chyros on Tue, 05 September 2023, 10:52:32 ---
--- Quote from: tp4tissue on Mon, 04 September 2023, 18:40:49 ---Eavesdropped on a conversation today.

Guy 1 said,  I am thinking about switching to water, I heard that it can help me lose weight.

Guy 2 replied, That's ridiculous, water taste terrible.

So do both these people not drink ANY-water ? Are there lots of anti-water people like this ?

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I am like this. I never drink water.

In the morning I drink one half litre of 0% sugar squash and a cup of hot chocolate, for lunch a litre of milk, and in the evening another litre and a half. The rest is tea, generally around 3 litres. Of course  beer (generally 2-4 litres) on some days, or other alcoholic drinks (cocktails, spirits, etc.)

I simply don't see the point of drinking water. It has NO FLAVOUR. Why not drink something that has actual flavour, even if it's almost all water?

It boggles my mind that literally EVERY SINGLE co-worker in my building has a water bottle on their desk that they use so they can drink the stuff all day long. It's so basic to them, it might as well be a leg or something. Absolutely cannot comprehend this.

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People who say water has no flavor have no taste buds.


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