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Laundry Detergent Shenanigans?

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Posted this is Keebtalk but I thought I'd post here and get TPs take on it:

I do the laundry in the household. I’ve been using Tide Free and Clear detergent for about 15 years now.

Just in the last year I started to notice that the detergent smelled like a dumpster or vomit. I thought I was crazy. When you first get it, the smell is not there. At least with the last bottle I bought. But after a few weeks it starts to get worse.

I thought… weird, i guess they’ve changed something. So I started looking at other brands. Reading reviews and such.

EVERY SINGLE BRAND of unscented detergent, from the cheap to the premium, people are saying the EXCACT same thing. I think it’s probably present in all detergent, but the scented ones mask the smell.

Did they like find out something was causing cancer and quietly replace it? Supply chain issues with common ingredient now using low quality product to substitute???

So strange. I’m actually looking into making my own detergent today.

If you are talking about liquid laundry detergent, I haven't used that in 30 years so I am not qualified to answer.

But when we had kids we knew that we needed something that would not have any ill effect on baby skin, and quickly settled on "Charlie's Soap" (or the "365" brand equivalent) in powder form and that is what I have used ever since with no problems. It is also possible to use considerably less than the recommended scoop if you have reasonably soft water.


Yes, liquid is what I use.  Mostly b/c almost al US machines are "High Efficiency" and tell you to use it.  Maybe I could try powder.  I guess just add it to the bottom of the wash like you used to in the old days?


--- Quote from: pixelpusher on Sat, 28 October 2023, 13:59:15 ---Yes, liquid is what I use.  Mostly b/c almost al US machines are "High Efficiency" and tell you to use it.  Maybe I could try powder.  I guess just add it to the bottom of the wash like you used to in the old days?

--- End quote ---

The liquid is for rich peeps pixelpusher.

Tp4 is a p00r. Tp4 only uses the powder. No sour garbage smell.

Don't worry about the machine, Tp4 bought his washing machine brand new, it's been years, it's fine.  Do the extra rinse if you feel it's not coming out.


--- Quote from: pixelpusher on Sat, 28 October 2023, 13:59:15 ---
just add it to the bottom of the wash

--- End quote ---

Ha Ha Ha - I put in the clothes and toss the soap on top of them.

I suppose that fancy new machines like to get the clothes wet first and then sluice the soap into the mix after it has been going for a bit. That is probably better.


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