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New(ish) Job and People I know(ish)


After more than a decade at the same place, I finally jumped ship to another job about four months ago - much better pay and I finally get to do some coding instead of just support or testing; although, it's mostly fixing things that are broken here and there rather than full on development. So far, so good.

In addition to my boss whom I knew from my previous job and who recruited me, I've discovered at least two people at the company whose acquaintance I've made before. One of them was the manager or director of IT where my father-in-law worked when I did a brief stint there at the help desk twelve years ago. I only spoke to him once, but he'd definitely remember my father-in-law. I see this guy at work somewhat regularly, but I haven't had a reason to talk to him. At this point, it's probably weird if he does recognize me.

The other person is an accountant who was a friend of my friend's ex-girlfriend. I met her once or twice over fifteen years ago, and we were Facebook friends for a while after that. I have seen her briefly a couple times at work, but, until recently, she worked on a different floor. Now that we're on the same floor, I imagine I'll see her a lot more often.

Should I continue to pretend I don't know these two people, or should I bring up our previous acquaintanceship? If the latter, should I wait for a time when I naturally interact with them or should I go out of my way to do it sooner since it might be weird if I bring it up a year from now? I look different enough now that I could probably get away with never saying anything.


--- Quote from: Kavik on Tue, 31 October 2023, 23:58:19 ---Should I continue to pretend I don't know these two people, or should I bring up our previous acquaintanceship? If the latter, should I wait for a time when I naturally interact with them or should I go out of my way to do it sooner since it might be weird if I bring it up a year from now? I look different enough now that I could probably get away with never saying anything.
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Bring it up right away. Otherwise it might get weird.


--- Quote from: Kavik on Tue, 31 October 2023, 23:58:19 ---
Should I continue to pretend I don't know these two people, or should I bring up our previous acquaintanceship?

--- End quote ---

Do it now, life is short.

A casual "Hey, are you the .... ?" is simple and non-threatening. Then steer the conversation to why you like the new job and it should be pretty comfortable.


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