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What did you do today?

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--- Quote from: fohat.digs on Tue, 19 September 2023, 08:50:03 ---
--- Quote from: tp4tissue on Tue, 19 September 2023, 08:44:29 ---
How do you think he raised all those mini humans and sends them to the collage.

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Nope, all clean during child-rearing years.

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This post right here police officer.

You ever notice a period in your life where you just sat around the house for weeks on end, not really doing anything productive. Just sort of letting things accumulate, pile up, create clutter. It bothers you on some level, but not enough for you do do anything about it.
As the weeks get on, your little living bubble gets messier and messier.
Then out of nowhere you have somewhere to go, someplace people want you to be. A trip, or vacation, if you like.
Suddenly you are cleaning your home in a fervor. Tossing trash, scrubbing surfaces that never get laid upon by human eyes. You realize you have been living in filth, like an animal wallowing in Doordash bags and Amazon prime boxes for nearly a month.
It's weird. To go to such lengths to fix a problem you have been entrenched in, and the root of motivation being that you won't be there. Why did you not clean house while you were there suffering? Instead you waited until you knew you were leaving.
It's just odd how the human brain works sometimes. I'm sure this is a metaphorical microcosm of some larger realization.

Maybe not today, but few days ago, I had another surgery. Second in last 10 months.
This time it was necessary, I had a tumour in my neck that had to be removed after years. 5cm, it was hard to cut out surgeon said, but they got it out. Waiting for lab result, but should be benign.
Sitting now at home, 2 weeks off, going through my photos, watching latest True Detective... I should get back on playing games, haven't played for a while...


--- Quote from: phinix on Tue, 20 February 2024, 04:27:15 ---Maybe not today, but few days ago, I had another surgery. Second in last 10 months.
This time it was necessary, I had a tumour in my neck that had to be removed after years. 5cm, it was hard to cut out surgeon said, but they got it out. Waiting for lab result, but should be benign.
Sitting now at home, 2 weeks off, going through my photos, watching latest True Detective... I should get back on playing games, haven't played for a while...

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Oof, hope all is well with the results. <3


--- Quote from: HoffmanMyster on Tue, 20 February 2024, 08:53:02 ---
--- Quote from: phinix on Tue, 20 February 2024, 04:27:15 ---Maybe not today, but few days ago, I had another surgery. Second in last 10 months.
This time it was necessary, I had a tumour in my neck that had to be removed after years. 5cm, it was hard to cut out surgeon said, but they got it out. Waiting for lab result, but should be benign.
Sitting now at home, 2 weeks off, going through my photos, watching latest True Detective... I should get back on playing games, haven't played for a while...

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Oof, hope all is well with the results. <3

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Phinix needs m0ar veggies.


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