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What did you do today?

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--- Quote from: phinix on Tue, 20 February 2024, 04:27:15 ---Maybe not today, but few days ago, I had another surgery. Second in last 10 months.
This time it was necessary, I had a tumour in my neck that had to be removed after years. 5cm, it was hard to cut out surgeon said, but they got it out. Waiting for lab result, but should be benign.
Sitting now at home, 2 weeks off, going through my photos, watching latest True Detective... I should get back on playing games, haven't played for a while...

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hope you're happy and recovering smoothly dude!


--- Quote from: Rhienfo on Wed, 21 February 2024, 18:11:56 ---
--- Quote from: phinix on Tue, 20 February 2024, 04:27:15 ---Maybe not today, but few days ago, I had another surgery. Second in last 10 months.
This time it was necessary, I had a tumour in my neck that had to be removed after years. 5cm, it was hard to cut out surgeon said, but they got it out. Waiting for lab result, but should be benign.
Sitting now at home, 2 weeks off, going through my photos, watching latest True Detective... I should get back on playing games, haven't played for a while...

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That really sucks to hear, at least you're doing fine. Stay safe :)

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--- Quote from: noisyturtle on Wed, 21 February 2024, 21:30:58 ---
--- Quote from: phinix on Tue, 20 February 2024, 04:27:15 ---Maybe not today, but few days ago, I had another surgery. Second in last 10 months.
This time it was necessary, I had a tumour in my neck that had to be removed after years. 5cm, it was hard to cut out surgeon said, but they got it out. Waiting for lab result, but should be benign.
Sitting now at home, 2 weeks off, going through my photos, watching latest True Detective... I should get back on playing games, haven't played for a while...

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hope you're happy and recovering smoothly dude!

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Thank you guys!  :-*

****. It's malignant...

Last week I had a call from my doctor's secretary and she said that my doctor needs to move my follow-up appointment from April to this Tuesday.
I thought, ok, time slot released, so he wants to see me earlier. No worries.
So I went there today and he told me that unfortunately lab results showed its is malignant. So now I'm waiting for appointments to do MRI scans to see if there is any spread.
If there's nothing, then we would do tests every 6-12 months or so to make sure nothing shows up. But if there is something elsewhere, then we gonna start radio, chemo and other voodoo **** to kill whatever is left.
And I just booked holidays for this April and June. **** me...

Week ago I started to watch After Life - really nice show I wanted to watch for a long time. Now I feel like I'm part of it...


--- Quote from: phinix on Tue, 05 March 2024, 19:57:33 ---****. It's malignant...

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Damn man, that is brutal news.

Focus on the good and love in life, and that positive influence will affect your body too. Eat well, love well, fight well, and don't let the treatment control that.

Best of vibes.

I went on a long walk


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