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keyboard modding for newbies?

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--- Quote from: bhtooefr;11930 ---I believe it is doable on a Model M, but you'd have to make sure the remains of the numpad weren't shorted out...
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I'm surprised someone hasnt already done this and posted pics. I guess this will go on my long term list of things to do...

Sawing off the numpad on a Model M2 would be trivial.  I THINK you could just cut off that portion of the membrane sheets...however, to be safe, you could certainly just roll up the numpad port of the membrane sheets.


--- Quote from: iMav;11940 ---Sawing off the numpad on a Model M2 would be trivial.  I THINK you could just cut off that portion of the membrane sheets...however, to be safe, you could certainly just roll up the numpad port of the membrane sheets.
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Does anyone know any reason why this couldnt also be done to a unicomp? (Does the (ill-named) spacesaver unicomp model for instance have a metal plate? Although even if it did, it could be done, just takes a bit more sweat maybe).

Now I am envisioning a unicomp spacesver with greased up springs and a sawed off numberpad...droool.

It does have a metal plate - I've got an EnduraPro, which is a SpaceSaver with a TrackPoint tacked on.

There are some mod related links in the wiki.

--- Quote ---Assuming that none of the control electronics are located on the portion of the board I want to remove, would cutting through the PCB and severing the leads to the numpad switches render the board inoperable?
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It depends on the 'board. For ex. current Cherry G80s have the controller attached to the numpad area of the pcb. If you cut that off you will have to fix it. It helps if contoller and 'board pcb are separate in this case as you have a defined interface and can remove the controller for connection tests.

With a Cherry: If you're going to reuse the old controller then number code all interface connectors. Use permanent marker to draw a line where you're going to cut. With each circuit path that is going to be cut: find the next solder spot inside the remaining area and do a connection test to the controller interface. When it beeps, write down the number beside that solder spot. Saw. Connect the numbered solder spots to the numbered controller connectors.

It can be much easier though. When I cut the alpha part out of my Cherry G80 donor, only one key in the remaining part didn't work. One wire would fix that.

--- Quote ---If so, would any solderingiron-fu be able to fix it?

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Basically, yes. Not sure what happens if keyboard pcb and controller pcb are one piece. This can make connection testing difficult at least.


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