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So is everyone in holiday mode yet?

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I checked out sometime monday afternoon, pretty much a slacking-off zombie at work.

I have a feeling I'm going to "mysteriously vanish" from my desk around 3pm tomorrow afternoon :)  Gotta beat the traffic going upstate.

Incidentally my mom has decided to try something new this xgiving -- we're having a 100% vegetarian xgiving.  (I'm not entirely against it, even though I'm quite a carnivore. SO long as its tasty and filling and still bad for me in some way, I'll make do. I have a feeling my brother-in-law and I will slip out for some wendy's at some point ;) ).

I think it was this now infamous Sarah Palin video that inspired her actually (the horror, the horror). :)

I'm always in the mood for Thanksgiving.  I like Xmas, too, but I am not looking forward to putting up, and, subsequently, taking down the decorations.

I have to host thanksgiving at my house for, among others, my sh*t-stirring crazy mother in law. I'm gonna make her into a character in a novel someday, but only to kill her off.


--- Quote from: xsphat;12462 ---I have to host thanksgiving at my house for, among others, my sh*t-stirring crazy mother in law. I'm gonna make her into a character in a novel someday, but only to kill her off.
--- End quote ---

We have my inlaws over as well.  (showed up tuesday evening)

However, I LOVE having them here.  I always look forward to seeing them.


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