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500th Post

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Just to let you know.  Thanks, and have a nice day.

shouldnt you get a free coffee mug or something? ;)

Nah, he rolls over to zero and has to start over with just a $5 El Crappo rubber dome keyboard.

I'll wait for the gold watch like XsPhat's. :)  Actually, there are a few boards I have been on for years, an still don't have 500 posts (e.g. I've been on Ars Technica's boards since mid '06, and I only have 125 posts).

The El Crappo 'board?  Can I at least use an old MS or something?


--- Quote from: lexicon;13608 ---Nah, he rolls over to zero and has to start over with just a $5 El Crappo rubber dome keyboard.
--- End quote ---

Bwah haha!


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