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keyboard fight club

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for a moment there it looks like they are really going at it.

I would like to see them go at with a couple of model m's....

The Model M would actually be quite weak in such fights, because the fight ends after all keys come off, it seems.


--- Quote from: bhtooefr;14753 ---The Model M would actually be quite weak in such fights, because the fight ends after all keys come off, it seems.
--- End quote ---

yeah, thats a good point.


--- Quote from: bigpook;14757 ---yeah, thats a good point.
--- End quote ---
swap it with the AT/XT keyboard, they weigh like twice as much anyway


--- Quote from: bhtooefr;14753 ---The Model M would actually be quite weak in such fights, because the fight ends after all keys come off, it seems.
--- End quote ---

I think an Alps keyboard would whip butt in this kind of a fight. The keys are on there so tight, I once needed the help of the Pope, the A-Team and  President elect Obama to get an "E" key off one of my Apple IIGS keyboards.


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