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Another Black vs Brown Cherry question...

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Is the bottom (PCB) half of the switch the same for both switches?

If this is true, and you like (black) linear but you find it's too stiff, you could take the spring from the brown and it will be soft-linear.

If you like (brown) tactile, but you find it's too soft, you could take the spring from the black and it will be stiff-tactile.

Or is it not that simple? Thanks.

its been done before where you swap springs between cherry switches. I think chloe or someone tried that at some point. Results are as you'd expect.
problem usually is in getting cherry switches open. They're not easy to open. Also there are two kinds of switches with diff mounting on the mounting plate in the board. The ones that are above-board are easier to open (but even there you will need some improvised tools to do so; search these forums for info, esp in the keyboard mod section). The switches that are flush-mounted are far more difficult to open.

I read those threads yes, but it did not tell me if the 'bottom' part of both switches (including the switch leaf), are the same?


--- Quote from: wellington1869;23102 ---its been done before where you swap springs between cherry switches. I think chloe or someone tried that at some point. Results are as you'd expect.
problem usually is in getting cherry switches open. They're not easy to open. Also there are two kinds of switches with diff mounting on the mounting plate in the board. The ones that are above-board are easier to open (but even there you will need some improvised tools to do so; search these forums for info, esp in the keyboard mod section). The switches that are flush-mounted are far more difficult to open.
--- End quote ---

Plate mounted switches cannot be opened. The other ones are pretty easy IMO. You just need one or two watchmaker screwdrivers.


--- Quote from: hotswank;23106 ---I read those threads yes, but it did not tell me if the 'bottom' part of both switches (including the switch leaf), are the same?
--- End quote ---

well 'same enough' if people have swapped springs before. they need not be absolutely identical if all you want to do is swap springs.


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