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Watch, they're gonna use the earth quake to raise prices.

 Sad but true :)). I wonder if the 50 series Blackwell cards will be released this year, that'll surely drive down the prices.


--- Quote from: Axiom_ on Wed, 03 April 2024, 23:54:28 --- Sad but true :)). I wonder if the 50 series Blackwell cards will be released this year, that'll surely drive down the prices.

--- End quote ---

It will only be 5080 and 5090 and in extremely limited quantities, which will be scalped. Worse, Nvidia  puts a lot of effort into ensuring the prices stay high so they will allow the 4080/4090 availability to dry up before the 50 series drops. It will take months after release to actually start to drive down the rest of the market.

The best way to drive down Nvidia prices is for AMD to drop a card, not Nvidia.

I built my first "gaming" PC around 2018/2019. Ryzen 2800x with a 1070Ti. It performed reasonably well and played every game I could throw at it.
Replaced it with a prebuilt in late 2021 because I literally couldn't find a graphics card (worth buying) for under what I built why whole last PC for. Ended up with a Ryzen 5600x and a 3080.

The price to upgrade my GPU is insane. I don't have plans to, but holy crap are these prices making consoles look good again. These prices are really turning PC gaming into a pay-to-play situation. Who casually has $2,000 for a video game machine? That doesn't even factor in peripherals or displays. I understand you can build a 3060 machine for a lot less, but how did the high end (70/80 SKU) go from being 400-$600 GPUs to $1200+?


--- Quote from: TomahawkLabs on Thu, 04 April 2024, 12:50:38 ---I built my first "gaming" PC around 2018/2019. Ryzen 2800x with a 1070Ti. It performed reasonably well and played every game I could throw at it.
Replaced it with a prebuilt in late 2021 because I literally couldn't find a graphics card (worth buying) for under what I built why whole last PC for. Ended up with a Ryzen 5600x and a 3080.

The price to upgrade my GPU is insane. I don't have plans to, but holy crap are these prices making consoles look good again. These prices are really turning PC gaming into a pay-to-play situation. Who casually has $2,000 for a video game machine? That doesn't even factor in peripherals or displays. I understand you can build a 3060 machine for a lot less, but how did the high end (70/80 SKU) go from being 400-$600 GPUs to $1200+?

--- End quote ---

It's mostly AI & Nvidia being super dominant in it (like seriously, even more so than their dominance in gaming). Then as an aside AMD hasn't properly competed at the top performance tier for quite some time. So between NV knowing they'll have the gaming performance crown every gen & being able to charge what they want for that performance, coupled with them not really wanting to sell to gamers at all since there is so much more money in AI right now & bam you have $1,200 MSRP Halo cards that you usually can't even get for MSRP.... ****y situation all around really.


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