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--- Quote from: tp4tissue on Wed, 31 August 2022, 00:38:16 ---
what could be possibly on there

--- End quote ---

But But Behghazi !

Hillary's emails !

"Lock Her Up!" - for possibly not properly safeguarding proprietary government information - they still talk about those things. And you can be sure that if Hillary's emails were not completely and permanently deleted, and somebody would have found anything of value there, it would have been plastered all over the media.

If there was any "low-hanging" fruit the crazies would be going for that, trivial fringe stuff from the distant past is all they have ....

Herr Drumpf is getting his referee to shuffle through the documents (presumably to separate the tax-evasion papers from the military secrets).

To lighten up the thread a bit, here is Michael Cohen's observation from his 2020 book Disloyal :

" Checking into the Vegas Trump Tower, I was summoned up to his suite to discuss the day’s events. Trump was in his underwear, white Hanes briefs, and a white short–sleeved undershirt, watching cable news on television. He barely seemed to register that it was unusual for a grown man to be in a state of undress in front of an employee, but there it was.
On this occasion, Trump was fresh from the shower and hadn’t done his hair yet, as it was still air–drying. When his hair wasn’t done, his strands of dyed–golden hair reached below his shoulders along the right side of his head and on the back, like a balding Allman Brother or strung out old ‘60s hippie.
I called his plane Hair Force One for good reason. Trump doesn’t have a simple comb–over, as it would appear. The operation was much more involved than a simple throw–over of what was left of his hair: the 3–step procedure required a flop up of the hair from the back of the head, followed by the flip of the resulting over–hang on his face back on his pate, and then the flap of his combover on the right side, providing 3 layers of thinly disguised balding–male insecurity. The concoction was held in place by a fog of TREsemme TRES Two, not a high–end salon product. Flip, flop, flap, and there was the most famous combover in the world.
The real reason for the extravagant and obvious overcompensation for his baldness was vanity, and the desire to appear younger and more vigorous than he was. But there was another unknown reason: he was hiding unsightly scars from a failed hair-implant operation in the 1980s."

– referring to preparation for the 2103 Miss Universe announcement

quote B1den speech: .....Politics as a mediation of our differences.

quote Drvmph speech: ......a dirty dirty dirty sweatsuit... !!!

There is a pretty clear separation of audience here.  Someone who wears maga hats would listen to B1den and think, wtf does that even mean..  I better vote for drmvph, he said that one democrat wore dirty dirty sweatsuits.  hahahahahha


--- Quote from: tp4tissue on Tue, 06 September 2022, 01:28:42 ---
Politics as a mediation of our differences.

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In my opinion Biden's speech was magnificent and awesome in every way, one of the best and most focused speeches I ever heard.

But it is suspicious that he did not specifically declare that Hillary Clinton is not a cannibal ....


--- Quote from: fohat.digs on Tue, 06 September 2022, 07:39:52 ---In my opinion Biden's speech was magnificent and awesome in every way, one of the best and most focused speeches I ever heard.

But it is suspicious that he did not specifically declare that Hillary Clinton is not a cannibal ....

--- End quote ---

fohat, I think you're exactly the type of radical left that "actually exists".

There's Bernie Sanders, who is legit,   then there are the other "Demo(rats, B1den" who are no more/less billionaire tools than the republikants.   Different masters, same crimes.

Democrats over promise under perform all the same.   Then every year,  America is AT WAR AGAIN.   Most nv(lear disarmament actually happened during republ1can terms.  They do it for selfish reasons too, to manipulate energy markets in their favor, but that's the point,  they're all bad guys.

I'm not asking for perfect, as you say, move the needle, but I also don't believe b1den is any less of a liar.

America is an imperialist institution, all our gains are worth NOTHING as climate change is coming down on us.

Humanity is at large a bunch of people bickering at each other inside a burning house.

By all means, VOTE DEMO(RAT, but we can't be deluded into thinking they understand the common good as anything other than the normal capitalist enterprise where just about everything goes to the top.

More important than anything else in the world. EAT VEGGIES. There is no other solution to our almost certain destruction.


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