Previous Events Archive > KeyCon 2018
KeyCon 2018 Screen-Printed Poster Group Buy/Interest Thread
--- Quote from: d_stilgar on Tue, 08 May 2018, 20:54:44 ---Please check out the concept below and give me your feedback. This is a rough concept. Unless I get some really strong negative reactions, I'll move forward and separate layers and reduce down to the final colors (four or fewer).
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lol i like it a lot so i think that will look good.
After some feedback asking for a more Pittsburgh-centric poster, I came up with this concept. At this point, it's actually pretty much ready for printing. For those who love the cheeto, maybe we'll save it for next year. All the same, let me know which you like better. Also, this is a four color print and last year's was three, so I'm thinking the price will be $25 based on the number of people who have signed up so far and the cost of making prints (fixed price per screen + cost per pull). Let me know if you've signed up and that extra $5 is going to break you.
Alright! I've sent the required payments to the printer and have sent a request for payment to everyone who signed up. I've closed the form, so if anyone is still interested and you have not signed up yet, please send me a PM.
There will be extra posters at the event, but with some 150+ attendees, if you are interested in a poster your best bet is to commit now. Also, I will not order an extra run of prints unless this first batch sells out.
Final price is $25.
Thanks everyone!
Definitely interested now that I'm going.
you can count me in for one! :thumb:
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