geekhack Community > Keyboards

"Hot" question for keyboard swingers ...

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--- Quote from: xsphat ---Why is it that the PS/2 connections aren't? I don't get it. I read this somewhere.
--- End quote ---

There are two issues with hot-swapping PS/2 devices...

First, there is the potential to damage your motherboard.  The PS/2 ports provide direct connectivity to the microcontroller on the motherboard.  The initial connection can provide a momentary overcurrent state which could fry the circuitry in your keyboard, the motherboard, or both.  

Second, the port is simply not designed for plug and play.  So your OS is not going to be aware of new devices on the PS/2 ports.  If you plug in a new device on your PS/2 port, it will only work if it is supported by the currently installed driver for that port.  (assuming you didn't fry something in the process, that is.  ;)

Good to know, thanks.


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