geekhack Marketplace > Group Buys and Preorders

How to contact a Group Buy organizer or vendor


First, determine who is the best person to contact regarding your request

* If you have a fulfillment question and the Group Buy has regional vendors acting as proxies, your regional vendor is most likely who you need to reach out to; they should have a contact system on their site (or discord in some cases)
* If the GB in question is being fulfilled by the person who created the thread on GH, then you'll want to PM the thread creator directly; I highly recommend enabling "Save a copy of each personal message in my sent items by default" (detailed below)
Whether you're contacting a vendor or designer/runner, there are some helpful tips to keep in mind to make things easier for everyone involved

* Include the GB name in the subject line
* Include your order number in the message body
* Quote prior messages or provide context to any previous discussions you might have had on the topic you're messaging about
* Clearly articulate what you are asking for or requesting
* Be polite (this should go without saying) - most vendors and designers are small operations and may not respond immediately like you've come to expect from massive online retailers; if you need to send a follow-up message, do so, but give a little leeway unless you have good reason to be upset
How to enable "Save a copy of each personal message in my sent items by default" (this will allow you to verify that the message you clicked "Send" on did in fact send)

* Click 'Messages' in the top bar
* Hover over 'Preferences' (tap 'Preferences' on mobile) to bring up the Preferences menu
* Click 'Change Settings'
* Check the box next to 'Save a copy of each personal message in my sent items by default.' (second item from the bottom)



Thanks for the detailed guide! Following these steps makes contacting a Group Buy organizer or vendor much easier and ensures clear communication.


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