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[GB] KAM Sewing Tin 🍪 Extras live at zFrontier, ProtoTypist, Ashkeebs, Vala

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--- Quote from: minicap on Sun, 14 November 2021, 18:24:45 ---Not sure if you've seen the Soaring Tin renders, but it should be possible to mix and match your KAM sets :D

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I was thinking about doing that, as well! Just found the render and that looks super fun. Glossy accents might also be cool  :D

The samples look super good. Really love the colors and it is very cool that you were able to show these off during the GB.

the samples look very good!

I’m still deciding between getting alphas or cookies/buttons. that render lives in my mind rent-free

Instant Purchase! I love how the legends/novelties turned out and the novelties are AWESOME!  ;D

We're one week into the GB! With numbers from most vendors, we're currently at 38% of MOQ - thank you to everyone who's supported the set so far! 💙
Dvorcol has kindly agreed to make sales graphs for the set, one will be made in the coming days!

In other updates, I'm preparing to request R2 samples from Keyreative. Here's what I'll be requesting (though I'm not sure if I'll be able to get all of them, since there were some limits the last time I requested samples).
- Alphas (incorrect alignment on 6,q,t,y,i,p,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,b - the alphas were vertically centered instead of consistently aligned, the 6 was an error on my part that i fixed in kits/renders before the gb but after submitting sample files)
- scissors and cookie tin novelty (have printing issues in the current samples - scissors hole is filled in, cookie tin text is too thick)
- TKL text mods (for text legends)
- if possible, ergo kit to check printing of other novelties (tomato, brown-on-yellow cookie tin, zigzag stitches, cross stitches)

For the colour matching, I've spent a lot more time considering the matches and I'm very satisfied with the overall look and the colour matching on the yellow and two darkest blues. For the lighter two blues, they are a tiny bit on the dull/dark side - only very slightly in sunlight, but more noticeably in the lightbox and with dimmer lightings. Ideally, these two colours would be tweaked to be slightly more vibrant, though they are quite close already. As it stands today, I do think the colours are quite lovely and form a gentle gradient that matches my vision for the set as well as the Pantones and renders well, but yeah, ideally would be a bit more vibrant.

I am currently leaning towards requesting a R2 match on those two colours. I am considering the risk that the colour match could get worse, as the change required is quite small and I want to make sure the gradient remains nice and "even". I'd hate to end up delaying production unnecessarily if a better match than these samples isn't actually possible, especially given Keyreative's queue times. However, I'm requesting a second round of samples anyway + we received these samples at GB time, so we do have a "head start" of sorts.

I'm going to be preparing the files that detail the changes for the R2 samples this weekend, so this decision isn't locked in yet - will post an update when I've submitted the request to zFrontier / Keyreative.

--- Quote from: DerBonk on Mon, 15 November 2021, 07:25:45 ---
--- Quote from: minicap on Sun, 14 November 2021, 18:24:45 ---Not sure if you've seen the Soaring Tin renders, but it should be possible to mix and match your KAM sets :D

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I was thinking about doing that, as well! Just found the render and that looks super fun. Glossy accents might also be cool  :D

The samples look super good. Really love the colors and it is very cool that you were able to show these off during the GB.

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Oooh, yes! The blues in Sewing Tin are a bit more on the purple-ish side than the blues in Soaring Skies, but i think accents would be cool!

There's also this scuffed mockup I made of sewing tin alphas + function row with Soaring Skies mods (Hakata and I decided to go with the cookie version instead for the render haha)

--- Quote from: Sebboc on Wed, 17 November 2021, 16:41:23 ---Instant Purchase! I love how the legends/novelties turned out and the novelties are AWESOME!  ;D

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Thank you for the support!! 💙

--- Quote from: surplusofchairs on Tue, 16 November 2021, 13:10:44 ---the samples look very good!

I’m still deciding between getting alphas or cookies/buttons. that render lives in my mind rent-free

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🍪🍪🍪 Ooh! Are you referring to the fuji65 renders, or the candybar renders? here they are in case you haven't seen them 🤣

(By the way, I love your username lmao)

--- Quote from: Mr Chrome on Mon, 15 November 2021, 04:46:43 ---Really surprised by how good the samples turned out. I think the colours are perfect! I love the buttery yellow and gentle gradient of the mods! The scissors novelty needs a quick fix, but I’m sure you’ve got that covered, and otherwise :thumb:


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Yup, that's on the list! Glad you like the samples and nice seeing you here again :D



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