Author Topic: WTT Filco Majestouch 2 Ninja to pok3r 2/3 keyboard with ANSI layout  (Read 2690 times)

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Offline Growgor

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As the topic states, I would like to trade my Filco which is in great condition, for a pok3r 2 or 3 keyboard with ANSI layout.
Here's some info on my keyboard:
Filco Majestouch 2 Ninja with MX cherry RED and ISO Nordic layout. Everything in the original box is included.
Furthermore a pexon filco mod is included, along with a USB a male, to USB a male extender cable (about 1.2m)
A homemade plexiglass dust cover, and a homemade grey felt case with velcro is also included, which fits it perfectly.

I've attached some photos of everything. Have a great day  :thumb:

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”

Offline ins0m

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Re: WTT Filco Majestouch 2 Ninja to pok3r 2/3 keyboard with ANSI layout
« Reply #1 on: Fri, 19 August 2016, 00:13:06 »
Hey. I don't know if you're still looking, but I'll trade you a black poker 2 for it