Author Topic: Dell AT101 Old Logo (GYUM97SK) (Alps SKCM Black/Early)  (Read 7529 times)

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Dell AT101 Old Logo (GYUM97SK) (Alps SKCM Black/Early)
« on: Sat, 11 July 2015, 13:15:21 »
I've had this board for a long time actually, I bought it quite a while ago for 50 pence from a recycling centre, but I kept postponing it, reviewing other boards instead. Hope you like this video! :)

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Offline Altis

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Re: Dell AT101 Old Logo (GYUM97SK) (Alps SKCM Black/Early)
« Reply #1 on: Sat, 11 July 2015, 22:39:43 »
A very nice and detailed review of the AT101, which is actually quite popular and easily available. I like the feel of the black alps when they're in good shape, but the sound of mine (newer mid-90s) sounds really plasticky and that puts me off a bit. I, too, tried switching keycaps with some doubleshots and it didn't help at all.

Your video shows the difference in sound between the old and new black alps. The old ones sound so much cleaner and more solid to me. I didn't know that the older ones felt better as well.

Thanks for sharing!
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Offline chyros

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Re: Dell AT101 Old Logo (GYUM97SK) (Alps SKCM Black/Early)
« Reply #2 on: Sun, 12 July 2015, 04:22:16 »
Cheers, glad you like it! :)

Yeah, I was a bit surprised that this difference wasn't really known - the wiki doesn't state anything about it at all and it wasn't until I posted about this a while ago that someone else showed me his GYUM97SK had the same thing. Although they're both genuine complicated Alps, side by side the late ones now feel and sound like cheap knockoffs to me. I really don't know why they are so different but it goes way beyond the caps and the case.
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Re: Dell AT101 Old Logo (GYUM97SK) (Alps SKCM Black/Early)
« Reply #3 on: Sun, 12 July 2015, 13:16:23 »
want you to know how much i thoroughly enjoy your reviews..............some of the "best" hands down.

i have actually purchased some boards based on your reviews and have downloaded most as well :cool:

of course i love that you are hitting the older, vintage boards that seem to miss the boat today- some are very under rated and still cheap to pick up for those wanting a mechanical keyboard :thumb:

the apple and dell boards i agree should be one of the first places to go for those wanting an inexpensive keyboard starting out- still can be gotten very reasonable

keep up the great work and thank you :D

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Offline chyros

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Re: Dell AT101 Old Logo (GYUM97SK) (Alps SKCM Black/Early)
« Reply #4 on: Sun, 12 July 2015, 13:37:27 »
want you to know how much i thoroughly enjoy your reviews..............some of the "best" hands down.

i have actually purchased some boards based on your reviews and have downloaded most as well :cool:

of course i love that you are hitting the older, vintage boards that seem to miss the boat today- some are very under rated and still cheap to pick up for those wanting a mechanical keyboard :thumb:

the apple and dell boards i agree should be one of the first places to go for those wanting an inexpensive keyboard starting out- still can be gotten very reasonable

keep up the great work and thank you :D
Thanks mate, it's really nice to hear people enjoying the videos so much :D . They take a fair amount of time to make in all, but it's a fun hobby :) .

Cool to hear you even bought some based on the reviews! Any ones in particular that stood out?
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Offline terrpn

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Re: Dell AT101 Old Logo (GYUM97SK) (Alps SKCM Black/Early)
« Reply #5 on: Sun, 12 July 2015, 14:14:43 »
want you to know how much i thoroughly enjoy your reviews..............some of the "best" hands down.

i have actually purchased some boards based on your reviews and have downloaded most as well :cool:

of course i love that you are hitting the older, vintage boards that seem to miss the boat today- some are very under rated and still cheap to pick up for those wanting a mechanical keyboard :thumb:

the apple and dell boards i agree should be one of the first places to go for those wanting an inexpensive keyboard starting out- still can be gotten very reasonable

keep up the great work and thank you :D
Thanks mate, it's really nice to hear people enjoying the videos so much :D . They take a fair amount of time to make in all, but it's a fun hobby :) .

Cool to hear you even bought some based on the reviews! Any ones in particular that stood out?

yes..............i actually  bought a Focus FK8000 from hwood here on the forum :thumb:

it has the clicky futabas (vs white alps) which i particularly like and the calculator works great as well!

i have some of the other boards in your review. i never noticed the difference in the old logo dell alps vs the new logo alps, but you are right as there is a difference.

i enjoyed all of your reviews though as a whole as they are very informative

Luga G80-1865/MX Reds + Dolch G80-1813/MX Blues + G80-3700HQAUS + DK9008G2 Pro/MX Browns Thick PBT + DK9008G2 Pro/MX Clears Thick PBT +  QFR TKL/Ghetto Greens + Cherry G80-1800/MX Blues + IBM Model M SSK Bolt Modded + IBM Model M + IBM Model F + IBM AT F + Cherry G80-1000 (HAD)/MX Vintage Blacks + Razer BWU/MX Blues + Leading Edge DC2214/Blue Alps + Compaq MX11800/Browns + Chicony 5181/Monterey Blues + Chicony 5161/MX Black Cherry Clone + Focus 2001/White Alps + Chicony 5191/White Futabas + Olivetti ANK27-101 + Dell (Old Logo) AT101/Black Alps + NMB RT8255C+/Black Space Invaders + Unitek K260/Green Alps + Apple M0116/Orange Alps + AEK II M3501/Cream Alps + AEK M0115/Orange Alps + NEC  APC412/Blue Sliders + NEC APC410/Blue Sliders + Omnikey /White Alps + Wang/Yellow Alps (Omrons) + Laser/White SMK + Fame/Blue Aruz + AEK II M3501/Salmon Alps + Zenith ZKB-2R/Green Alps + Wang 724/Orange Alps + DK1087/Green Alps + Zenith ZKB-2/Yellow Alps + Dell Old Logo AT101/Salmon-Pink Alps + Leading Edge AK1012/White SMK's + Magitronic SK-1030/White (Linear) Futaba's + Packard Bell/White (Clicky) Futaba's + Datacomp DFK101/White  Alps + SGI AT101/Dampened White Alps + NMB AQ6RT-72511/Grey Space Invaders (Hi-Tek) + Datacomp/Blue Alps + Phillips 2812/White Space Invaders (Linear) + Dah Yang K251/Vintage MX Blues + Chicony 5161/DS Caps/Vintage MX Blue + Archie-NMB AQ659ZRT-725/Black Space Invader (Tactile) + IBM Model M 71G4644 (RD) Bolt Modded with Soarers Converter + IBM Model M Silver Label 1390131 + Cherry G80-1501/Vintage MX Clears + Focus FK8000/Linear Futabas + Gateway 2000 Anykey Programmable/Maxi-Switch + Dell GY13PVAT101/Dye Sub Caps/Salmon Alps + Chicony 5161/White Alps + AST K0B101/Slider over RD + Qtronix QX-32H + Everex/NMB RT8255CW+ Black Space Invaders-Split Erase + Tandon/NMB AQ659ZRT-101A/Beige Space Invaders + Cherry G80-11903 MNRUS/MX Blacks + Apple IIGS A9M0330/SMK Whites + WYSE PCE/MX Blacks + Chicony 5160AXT/Clicky Futaba + Cherry G80-0528/Vintage MX Blacks + Dell AT101/Linear (Modded) Black Alps+Topre 55g

Offline chyros

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Re: Dell AT101 Old Logo (GYUM97SK) (Alps SKCM Black/Early)
« Reply #6 on: Sun, 12 July 2015, 15:26:37 »
yes..............i actually  bought a Focus FK8000 from hwood here on the forum :thumb:

it has the clicky futabas (vs white alps) which i particularly like and the calculator works great as well!
Haha, yeah, that one is quite fun xD . It's shame built-in calculators never caught on, I find it very useful.

i enjoyed all of your reviews though as a whole as they are very informative
Cheers :) . Sometimes I worry whether I'm going too in-depth into the subject, for instance this one has a lot of extra info in it, but it's nice to see people enjoy this :) .
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Offline Altis

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Re: Dell AT101 Old Logo (GYUM97SK) (Alps SKCM Black/Early)
« Reply #7 on: Sun, 12 July 2015, 20:17:08 »
....Cheers :) . Sometimes I worry whether I'm going too in-depth into the subject, for instance this one has a lot of extra info in it, but it's nice to see people enjoy this :) .

That's one of the things I really like about your videos. They go into the finer details that a lot of people (especially around here!) like to know.

Wish I could grab one of these older AT101s for a reasonable price.

I noticed that the mid-90s model I have is an "AT101" (not W), FCC ID: GYUM95SK. It has the Windows keys on it and is ANSI layout.
« Last Edit: Sun, 12 July 2015, 20:34:16 by Altis »
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Offline chyros

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Re: Dell AT101 Old Logo (GYUM97SK) (Alps SKCM Black/Early)
« Reply #8 on: Sun, 12 July 2015, 20:47:31 »
I noticed that the mid-90s model I have is an "AT101" (not W), FCC ID: GYUM95SK. It has the Windows keys on it and is ANSI layout.
Is this the model you referred to have sounding plasticky? If so, it will most definitely have SKCM Black/Late. Strange that it is non-W, but with Windows keys. Possibly this was assembled at a different plant, which handled different terminologies?
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Offline Altis

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Re: Dell AT101 Old Logo (GYUM97SK) (Alps SKCM Black/Early)
« Reply #9 on: Sun, 12 July 2015, 23:24:30 »
Is this the model you referred to have sounding plasticky? If so, it will most definitely have SKCM Black/Late. Strange that it is non-W, but with Windows keys. Possibly this was assembled at a different plant, which handled different terminologies?

Yes, it's the one. I wonder if North America maybe has a slightly different lineup than the UK. The one I have is new logo, Windows key, dyesub keycaps, has the newer SKCM switches, and makes the same sound as your newer AT101W.

I tried swapping the keycaps with some doubleshots from a KPT-102 and the stock caps of Chicony KB-5181 and the hollow plasticky sound persisted.

I was under the impression that the "W" designation meant that it was white rather than black, which I believe only came out later, but I could be mistaken.

I actually quite like the long, smooth tactile hump of the switches in the AT101.
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Offline chyros

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Re: Dell AT101 Old Logo (GYUM97SK) (Alps SKCM Black/Early)
« Reply #10 on: Mon, 13 July 2015, 04:20:57 »
Is this the model you referred to have sounding plasticky? If so, it will most definitely have SKCM Black/Late. Strange that it is non-W, but with Windows keys. Possibly this was assembled at a different plant, which handled different terminologies?

Yes, it's the one. I wonder if North America maybe has a slightly different lineup than the UK. The one I have is new logo, Windows key, dyesub keycaps, has the newer SKCM switches, and makes the same sound as your newer AT101W.
Ah so it does still have the dyesub keycaps? The thin ones I'm assuming? It's possible this is an interbellum or pre-production model before they figured they should use the W designation then. That would explain why it's so much rarer than the GYUM90SK.

I was under the impression that the "W" designation meant that it was white rather than black, which I believe only came out later, but I could be mistaken.
The original keyboard was white. In fact, there were no black ones until the GYUM90SK that I've ever heard of or seen. So it's probably not that.

I actually quite like the long, smooth tactile hump of the switches in the AT101.
Yeah the switches are pretty friendly on the fingers and because they're more or less in between linears and tactile switches I find them incredibly versatile. I think they get way more complaints than they deserve - I'd still take them over many types of Cherry switches.
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Re: Dell AT101 Old Logo (GYUM97SK) (Alps SKCM Black/Early)
« Reply #11 on: Mon, 13 July 2015, 17:10:19 »
I am almost certain that the "W" means Windows keys. My black case is still an AT101W.

My guess is that someone has swapped case parts and internals.

The dye-subs are rare and found on the early ones, some people say the ones with Alps boards rather than Silitek. Personally, I have bought even old-logo AT101s that had ABS, and new-logos that had PBT dye-sub (only one, unfortunately). It is really a crap-shoot.

The good old cases have a metal bar in the back, which surely has no purpose other than to add weight (a few hundred grams at most) and you can install the bar in a newer case with a little Dremel work on the mounting post.

My "primo" AT101W has orange Alps from an AEK transplanted into an AT101W PCB mounted in a black case (with the post shaved and the weight bar added, along with waffle drawer liner padding), and the PBT dye-sub caps in pearl/pebble.

It is a Frankenstein to be sure, but it looks, sounds, and feels great. Too bad that the entire bottom row has to be ABS, but as far as I know the modifiers all changed to squeeze in the Windows keys (and whatever that other weird one that I never use is).
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Re: Dell AT101 Old Logo (GYUM97SK) (Alps SKCM Black/Early)
« Reply #12 on: Mon, 13 July 2015, 19:04:30 »
Windows key would make sense then if my white AT101 doesn't have a Winkey and your black AT101W does.

Yes, the dye-subs on mine are thin ABS.

I'm tempted to just give the board away at some point since I never use it anymore. It's really just the sound that I dislike, and the fact that I have around 12 keyboards now.
WhiteFox (Gateron Brown) -- Realforce 87U 45g -- Realforce 104UG (Hi Pro 45g) -- Realforce 108US 30g JIS -- HHKB Pro 2 -- IBM Model M ('90) -- IBM Model M SSK ('87) -- NMB RT-101 & RT-8255C+ (Hi-Tek Space Invaders) -- Chicony KB-5181 (Monterey Blue Alps) -- KPT-102 (KPT Alps) -- KUL ES-87 (62/65g Purple Zealios) -- CM QFR (MX Red) -- Apple Aluminum BT -- Realforce 23u Numpad -- Logitech K740 -- QSENN DT-35 -- Zenith Z-150 (Green Alps)

Offline chyros

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Re: Dell AT101 Old Logo (GYUM97SK) (Alps SKCM Black/Early)
« Reply #13 on: Mon, 13 July 2015, 19:37:12 »
I The dye-subs are rare and found on the early ones, some people say the ones with Alps boards rather than Silitek.
Yes, my Alps-made GYIAT101-102 had thick PBT dyesubs, pretty nice caps actually.

The good old cases have a metal bar in the back, which surely has no purpose other than to add weight (a few hundred grams at most)
Yeah, 160 grams, I weighed it in this video. I think my even older Alps-made one didn't have that though, seems to be one for the early Silitek one.

My "primo" AT101W has orange Alps from an AEK transplanted into an AT101W PCB mounted in a black case (with the post shaved and the weight bar added, along with waffle drawer liner padding), and the PBT dye-sub caps in pearl/pebble.

It is a Frankenstein to be sure, but it looks, sounds, and feels great. Too bad that the entire bottom row has to be ABS, but as far as I know the modifiers all changed to squeeze in the Windows keys (and whatever that other weird one that I never use is).
Wooo, sounds pretty fun actually, you should post a picture :) . If you're using the ones from a AT101W it's got that weird convex bottom row which I forget to mention every video xD .
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