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Windows question for the pros


How do I remap the control and the caps lock key? And I wouldn't mind lossing the caps lock entirely, BTW. It's in the preferences on Mac, but I hear you need code to do it in Windows.

I run Windows XP Pro on my MacBook via Boot Camp.


Ask ashort.  He LOVES the nasty.  :)

Whiskey in the Jar-o:
I've used KeyTweak to swap Caps and Backspace on XP:


--- Quote from: iMav ---Ask ashort.  He LOVES the nasty.  :)
--- End quote ---

Alright, now I'm gonna come over there, take your Model-M, and smack you upside the head with it.


--- Quote from: ashort ---
--- Quote from: iMav ---Ask ashort.  He LOVES the nasty.  :)
--- End quote ---

Alright, now I'm gonna come over there, take your Model-M, and smack you upside the head with it.
--- End quote ---

Model Ms are so tough, it might crack his helmet.

So do I need a program to do this or is there another way? I don't know much about "the nasty," so less is more.


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