geekhack Marketplace > Vendor Feedback

zFrontier Feedback Thread

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I love you guys. Every experience has been perfect.   :thumb: :thumb:

 :thumb: :thumb:Congrats

I appreciate the communication you guys are sending out on the wrist rests. They were behind schedule and then you rejected a lot of them for quality issues.  I’m glad to know these details.  Also, I liked the kits you had for the DSA starry night. 


--- Quote from: reececonrad on Thu, 05 October 2017, 00:59:07 ---I appreciate the communication you guys are sending out on the wrist rests. They were behind schedule and then you rejected a lot of them for quality issues.  I’m glad to know these details.  Also, I liked the kits you had for the DSA starry night.

--- End quote ---

+1 on both points.

Just came on to say, Zfrontier is the best keyset vendor I have ever purchased from. 4 purchases in and it's been smooth sailing in all aspects of the process of group buys and purchasing.

You guys have made the keyset world a whole lot better with good prices and fast production & delivery.

You will definitely always have earned a spot on my showcase shelves.

All the best wishes for you going forward :)

Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk


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