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Can you watch too much TV?

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I don't know.  I haven't had a TV since 1986.

"Too much TV" is when you have too little time to do stuff and instead of focusing on important stuff you spend it on TV

Oh, TP is counting on-demand streaming as "TV"?

I was going to say that I almost don't watch TV any more, because there is nothing on regular TV that is worth watching.
Reruns of shows from the '90s and 00's, and the news, but that is getting too depressing. That's it.


--- Quote from: Findecanor on Mon, 22 April 2024, 02:55:00 ---Reruns of shows from the '90s and 00's, and the news, but that is getting too depressing. That's it.

--- End quote ---
That's actually become a huge problem in the industry.
Big networks used to be the backbone of new shows and decided setting up streaming services was more important. To save costs they gutted their creative departments, altered decades long deals and basically just sat back waiting for the money to roll in. Except that it didn't and all they've done is accelerate the death of TV.


--- Quote from: Leslieann on Mon, 22 April 2024, 05:33:38 ---
the backbone of new shows

--- End quote ---

Those of use who grew up on 3 networks and no such thing as recording TV shows (much less movies) have an incredibly different viewpoint.

As I always say, everything changed about the time Reagan came to office, and politics was only part of it.


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