What is it:Modifier set in Cherry profile with the classic color scheme Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black. Additional Purple winkeys included, as well as some fancy fn's.
Shipping info:I will be shipping orders, in order placed, as soon as GMK delivers the order. They are coming prepackaged from GMK to expedite shipping.
GB Deadline:Group buy will close on April 20th at 4:20 PM EST
Pricing:Set price is $44.
Shipping is calculated in real-time by easypost. Once we see how orders are looking, we will discuss additional price breaks in here. Options will range from lower costs to additional keys.
Additionally, stripe is being used for the GB due to past PayPal hurdles. Stripe is a safe and trusted method of payment. I am happy to field questions about it, and will answer as best as I can.
Support:If you have any issues with the site, or throughout the GB, there is a support link on the site that everyone is free to use. It will open support tickets for easier tracking. Please submit issues there, as well as in the thread. That way other people know of issues that you may have, and can chime in if they have the same. I am going to do my best to make this GB as painless as possible.
Thanks to codyeatworld for putting together the site and holding my hand through all of this!
Journey to MOQ (150)