The long awaited update!
Not really, but I've been thinking about it recently and seeing some other posts about other projects, and realize that instead of trying to go hard and design/fab a PCB as my very first prototype, why not handwire a prototype first? So that's the plan.
Instead of trying to figure out I2C, I'm just going to use an HDMI port on each half (plus cable) to pass the 11 cols and 6 rows from one side to the Teensy++ controller on the other side. This way I can retain activating layers across the two halves (even though I probably won't use layers much personally).
So now, I'm going to order the HDMI breakout boards, a Teensy++, a bunch of diodes, some wire, maybe some ribbon cable, some other things, and maybe some nice stuff.
Anyway, I've got a wedding coming up soon so things will likely come back to a screeching halt for a while. But at least I have a plan to go forward that doesn't seem incredibly daunting like designing a PCB from scratch. Feel free to give suggestions and recommendations or other ideas that you may have. I'm excited to get back on this after such a long hiatus.