Author Topic:, momentary layer(1) when held, and toggle(1) when tapped ?  (Read 2502 times)

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Offline Nlight

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  • Posts: 57
  • Location: France
Hi all,

one or two year ago i made a 40%ish board. Now that I have a chance to truly test if the physical layout is comfortable or not, I reprogrammed it. I use, it is fine for basic stuff and covers almost everything I need. However, I want to ideally achieve a functionality on keys handling switching layers :
  • when held : the layer is momentary
  • when tapped : the layer is toggled on/off while turning off other layers too

I thought the closest thing would be TT(), however, kbfirmware does not offer this functionality, so I downloaded the sources, and modified the keymap... i'm stuck at compiling... my target is a teensy 2.0, so I downloaded winavr, and tried "make", however data.exe raised 0xC0000142 error... great, I have no idea how to compile a hex out of the sources.

I tried LT(1, TO(1)), to see, bugs like hell.

I'll probably end up just toggling and be done with it, however knowing how to compile the sources would be great. And having a solution for what I aim to do would be sweet too :)

Offline nevin

  • Posts: 1646
  • Location: US
correct, kbfirmware does not have those options in the web configurator. (and it's a slightly older version of QMK)

post the zip you pulled from kbfirmware.
there are lots of QMK people on here, sure we could get you squared away. just need a couple files out of the zip to get your matrix, pins, etc, then you can adjust in QMK Viterbi, Apple m0110, Apple m0120, Apple m0110a, Apple 658-4081, Apple M1242, Apple AEK II, MK96, GH60/Pure, Cherry g84-4100, Adesso AKP-220B, Magicforce 68