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Brussel sprouts = poison

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--- Quote from: tp4tissue on Sun, 28 May 2023, 10:22:55 ---
--- Quote from: chyros on Sun, 28 May 2023, 10:15:06 ---Oh come on, you know you're treading water now :p . If that's really your best argument for why meat supposedly needs plants to be tasty....

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Not at all, it's the totality of evidence that humans are herbivores, more precisely "starchivores"

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While going through a human physiology course the other day I was surprised to find that predators have complex anuses which allows the passing of either gas, solids, or both at will; It is helpfully convenient during a hunt and aftermath. Vegetation animals typically’ as anyone who has owned a horse, chicken, or rabbit knows, have minimal control over when and where they let it drop. The question now is, which one are you, TP?


--- Quote from: kurplop on Sun, 28 May 2023, 16:10:51 ---While going through a human physiology course the other day I was surprised to find that predators have complex anuses which allows the passing of either gas, solids, or both at will; It is helpfully convenient during a hunt and aftermath. Vegetation animals typically’ as anyone who has owned a horse, chicken, or rabbit knows, have minimal control over when and where they let it drop. The question now is, which one are you, TP?

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The #2 most popular posts on vegan (WFPB) forums for recent initiates is how FANTASTIC and MAGICAL veggie p00s are.

As a population, they are by far the most regular and IN CONTROL.

Whereas,  if you go to a KETO FORUM, you'll hear things like, "I've had diarrhea for 3 months straight, is this normal?", or the inverse, "I haven't pooped in 2 weeks, is this normal?"

In fact, most americans struggle with p00ping. Their diet is not extremely far off from Keto.

Clearly where regularity and HIGH FUNCTIONING of systems-purge is concerned,  Veggie People are KINGs.

Tp keeps confusing normal healthy omnivore diets with keto. I don’t know why. A keto diet practically eliminates carbs from the diet. I know of very few people who eat that way. He also assumes that anyone who eats animal products doesn’t also eat vegetables and grains. The plant based community often sets up these straw dogs to confuse the general public. They tout studies that show meat being carcinogenic then when examined it’s mostly charred meat or over-processed deli meats. They would rather get their B12 from dirt that animal products. Veganism is as much a religion as any church, mosque, or temple. Maybe they should file for tax exemption?


--- Quote from: tp4tissue on Sun, 28 May 2023, 19:16:15 ---In fact, most americans struggle with p00ping. Their diet is not extremely far off from Keto.

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That cannot be true, keto is very difficult to maintain.
If anything I'd believe Americans on average consume a huge quantity of carbohydrates and processed sugars, quite the opposite of keto.


--- Quote from: noisyturtle on Sun, 28 May 2023, 22:05:31 ---
--- Quote from: tp4tissue on Sun, 28 May 2023, 19:16:15 ---In fact, most americans struggle with p00ping. Their diet is not extremely far off from Keto.

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That cannot be true, keto is very difficult to maintain.
If anything I'd believe Americans on average consume a huge quantity of carbohydrates and processed sugars, quite the opposite of keto.

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The Keto Diet generally refers to a Meat-Centric diet.  Very few keto diet literature/proponents actually tell people to go into medical ketosis.

Medical Ketosis is not difficult to maintain, it is IMPOSSIBLE to maintain without going into severe debility.

Again, the human body only goes into ketosis under 2 natural conditions, STARVATION, or Severe Physical damage.


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