geekhack Community > New Members

Finally Signed Up After So Long !!!

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Hi guys I've been reading on this forum for a while now and finally decide to take the plunge and sign up :P

So hello to all of you !!!

I think I started reading about mechanical keyboard around last year around Christmas time and I remember I was like "who in the right mind would spend over $100 on a keyboard" LOL

Then I bought myself a Das Silent MX Brown around February this year and it kinda just went down from there and just this month I bought a White Filco Ninja MX Red lollll

Who knows what I'll buy next haha.  So yeah just want to say hi !

Welcome Hyde!  Good luck not spiraling out of control if you decide to stick around here!  Not looking good for you considering the trend of your thought process since Xmas!  ;)


--- Quote from: Hyde on Thu, 26 July 2012, 22:53:31 ---I think I started reading about mechanical keyboard around last year around Christmas time and I remember I was like "who in the right mind would spend over $100 on a keyboard" LOL

--- End quote ---

Noone!  We're just a bunch of weirdos according to Tsangan!  ;)

Welcome to Geekhack!  :)

welcome to GH.,,

Damn you messed it up !

Your public identity is supposed to me Dr Jekyll, not Mr Hyde !


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