geekhack Community > New Members

My new expensive hobby.

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I took a big interest in mechanical keyboards about 5 months ago and I've been using a Leopold FC200RT/AB with Cherry MX Browns for about 3 months now. Making the move to mechanical really made my typing experience a lot better, and I could not be happier with my decision. I hope to learn a lot more about mechanical keyboards here, and I'd also like to start collecting different boards to use with the various computers in my home office. While this new hobby might be a little on the expensive side, it's a lot of fun, and there's a great community of mechanical keyboard enthusiasts to share it with.

At the moment I'm getting into custom keycaps and have some from TechKeys on their way to my front door  :)

Welcome to GeekHack!  Your wallet now hates you.

Welcome aboard fellow Canadian! We grow stronger by the day!!! And poorer!

Say hello to geekhack, and goodbye to your money!  :cool:

Welcome to Geekhack!

Now you will find out how deep the rabbit hole goes ;)


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